Get drunk off beer?

Chikaze said:
5 beers within like 5min? 60oz of beer, that's a lot of fluid to drink.

You really can't be this stupid. This MUST be a troll

5 beers in 2mins will fuck your shit up. Its like 5 shots in two minutes will fuck your shit up.

Unless your from tribalwar where we drink 1 shot a minute of pure grain all night.
Whoop said:
You really can't be this stupid. This MUST be a troll

5 beers in 2mins will fuck your shit up. Its like 5 shots in two minutes will fuck your shit up.

Unless your from tribalwar where we drink 1 shot a minute of pure grain all night.
my inet pensi is pretty big.

Even if a beer is the same as a shot of 70 proof, that's still 4 beers.
silentsam said:
The key is to not drink water (aka American Beer) but to drink good ole' Canadian Beer (aka Real Beer)​
Aside from henry weinhard's, pyramid, and red hook, I'm sticking to heineken and negro modelo.
Chikaze said:
Is it possible to become drunk from beer? I'm a stupidhead and was wondering.

Whenever I get drunk I use some harder stuff like jd or brandy, but I've always really wondered.

Stop drinking piss and think its beer.
a better question you should have asked was can you get drunk from drinking rubbing alcohol. or drinking piss from a girl that was drunk.

really you honestly have to fucking ask if you can get drunk off beer?
Chikaze said:
there is, but it's such a small amount. At 5%, one 12oz bottle has a little more than half an ounce of alcohol. A shot of jd, at 40%, has 4/5oz of alcohol in a shot. A shot of bacardi 151 at 75.5% has 1.51oz of alcohol.

If 2 shots of bacardi gets me reasonably drunk, then I'd have to drink 5 beers within like 5min? 60oz of beer, that's a lot of fluid to drink.

are you fucking kidding me?!
silentsam said:
The key is to not drink water (aka American Beer) but to drink good ole' Canadian Beer (aka Real Beer)​

I fucking <3 canadian beer now - I went to BC this summer and had some of the best beer evar.

Wolffs Scottish Cream Ale = win.
It all depends on your weight and tollerance. I'm 39, weigh 200, and it takes 4-5 tall boy Buds before I start to buzz. Then I'll usually have a keg can of Heinekin which finishes the job, or switch to Barcardi Limon and coke.
So yeah, beer can do the job, but if you really wanna feel drunk, then you gotta switch to the imports or hard stuff.
Yo, If you ever have trouble getting drunk off ANY DRINK, just Man-ize it (add grain)

I swear, Man-izing anything works...Man-ized Smirnoff triple black is good.