[Game] The War Z

I was looking into this game, Zombie Survival MMO I guess you could call it. Not sure if it is worth it or not. Game Informer gave it a half way decent look. Heres a vid and some SS. What do you guys think?

The War Z

Vid is long as hell, I didnt watch the entire thing




You might want to look into some reports about the controversy surrounding the game, specifically the features listed on the Steam page versus what has actually been delivered.

If I recall, one of the developers had to apologize for being pretty arrogant about how he responded to complaints.
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I believe this is pretty much worse than Day Z. Looks like shit ingame and is full of microtransactions. If I'm not wrong the devs claimed that it was in production for several years, when they actually started making it after Day Z got popular. Steam pulled it off and Valve allowed refunds (like, first time ever?) for people who bought it because it was missing half the things promised in Features list

Even the splash art is partial photoshop from Walking Dead :lol:
You might want to look into some reports about the controversy surrounding the game, specifically the features listed on the Steam page versus what has actually been delivered.

like what for example?/

Looks like a cool game. I haven't tried the Dayz mod the graphics and animation from that looked funky from what I've seen. this "looks" better but sounds like it has playability issues
You might want to look into some reports about the controversy surrounding the game, specifically the features listed on the Steam page versus what has actually been delivered.

shit, I was thinking it was the DayZ mod that was nailed for that... hmm
If you're really interested read this:

GameSpy: A Shocking Interview With The War Z Developer On False Steam Store Claims - Page 1

Dev being a arrogant fuck, blaming customers for "misunderstanding" things and all.

GameSpy: There's also the issue of the max players per server, which appears to be 50 in our testing but is still promised as 100 on the Steam page. It also claimed multiple areas of between 100 to 400 square kilometers, but delivered only one area of around 100 square kilometers. I'm sure that many people do enjoy playing The War Z, but the issue isn't whether it's a good game or a bad game. It's a matter of truth in advertising.

Sergey Titov: Max players -- I'm not sure why this is even an issue. [The] text clearly stated "up to 100 players." And 50 players [which] we have right now -- is what our players -- our community feels is comfortable level for them to play. We had it at 40, we've raised it to 70, and after that we've asked our players, "What you want this number to be for Colorado map?" Over 90,000 players took [the] survey and most of them said -- 50. This is why this number is set to 50 right now. Yet -- on your own private servers you will be able to set to 100 if you want :). Size of the area, once again, come on -- [the] first map is over 100 sq km :). So [the] text is right. And for our next big map, California, we're testing map size of 420sq km.
War Z is essentially a pure cash-grab scam. It's Hi-Rez, if they had even less developers, shittier IP, and customer service that amounted to "No, fuck you."

Basically, if you want to light some money on fire, go ahead and buy it.
The concept looks pretty awesome.. hopefully one day a decent company will put out a decent game like this.
I want to hijack this thread for a minute....

I should have bought Far Cry 3 when it was on sale on steam, but I fucked up. Ill admit i fucked up, but now I would like to buy it. Anyone seen a deal out there for it still? I'd prefer a way to still use steam with it, so I can easily join up with friends.