Game of Thrones Season 8

Now that I think about it, it occurs to me that technically Tyrion would've been next in line after Cersei for the Iron Throne. Even though she technically surrendered and died, there was almost no time between that and Dany's death. Tyrion would be a natural successor assuming Jon makes no claim. Have Jon say he doesn't want it, doesn't want to be a Targeryan. Tyrion names him Jon Stark, King of the North, where he grants Umber Hold to Tormund and they set a plan to tear down the wall. Bran tells Tyrion he could probably use a new Master of Whispers, and his actual little birds are ready to help. Sansa remarries him and becomes Queen, and they name Brienne and Pod to the Kingsguard, and Davos the Hand. Sam and Gilly are named Lord and Lady of Highgarden (the Tarly's served Highgarden), and Bronn is given Casterly Rock as compensation. Tyrion's 8 season arc then becomes about learning to play the game (Littlefinger, Varys, Tywin) and learning lessons from the mistakes of every bad ruler (Joffrey, Cersei, Dany). Thank the gods for Bessie. And her tits.

I like this kinda ending and support it.
GRRM has one massive win out of this anyway.

There are millions of people out there who would never have heard of him without this series. Millions of people who became hooked on his story. His story which is not done yet.

IKR GRRM has something like 7 HBO projects and another 7 or so outside HBO. Dude will be too busy to finish GoT until 2030.
I kinda want this ending.

Nope, nope, nope. No. Part of it is, I do want this show — this Game of Thrones, Dan and David's show — to be its own thing. I don't want to take characters from this world that they did beautifully and put them off into another world with someone else creating it. I want to let it be the artistic piece they've got. That's one of the reasons why I'm not trying to do the same show over. George has a massive, massive world; there are so many ways in. That's why we're trying to do things that feel distinct — and to not try and redo the same show. That's probably one of the reasons why, right now, a sequel or picking up any of the other characters doesn't make sense for us.

A 'Game of Thrones' Sequel Is Not an Option for HBO's Top Executive
I called it that you called it that he called it.

"Fade to black to a scene far beyond the wall and there's a new NK awakening. Woah. End"

How come you are so sure it's a new Night King? Maybe this time it's a Night Queen. I mean why can't it be a Night Queen, or the Other Brother from another mother?

Fade to black. Rustle, and then Tommen telling Ser Pounce he's a good cat.

Whoa, fade to black, and Ser Bronn telling all his children that even though he was the most bravest knave of them all, he wouldn't have gotten far without Tyrion Lannister.
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the show was good bc there were no "good" and "bad" guys but just shades of gray

It was good because actions had real consequences and no one was safe. Certainly there were pure good and pure evil characters. Brienne. Pod. Ramsay. Joffrey. Ned. Robb. Jon. Roose. etc etc
So one time, Tyrion walks into a brothel with a jackass and a honeycomb.

He says to the Madam, "I need a woman to lay with."

She says, "Fine, but why do you have a jackass and a honeycomb?"

"It's my old woman's fault," he says. "She found a magic lamp, rubbed on it, and a genie came out and granted her three wishes. The first one was that she wished for a house fit for a queen, so the genie waved his hands and made this honeycomb appear. Then she wished for the nicest ass in all the land, and so he produced this jackass. For her third wish, she asked that I be granted a cock that hung down below my knees."

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing to have," the Madan said. "You should be happy!"

"Happy? I used to be six-foot three!"
I called it that you called it that he called it.

"Fade to black to a scene far beyond the wall and there's a new NK awakening. Woah. End"

How come you are so sure it's a new Night King? Maybe this time it's a Night Queen. I mean why can't it be a Night Queen, or the Other Brother from another mother?

Fade to black. Rustle, and then Tommen telling Ser Pounce he's a good cat.

Whoa, fade to black, and Ser Bronn telling all his children that even though he was the most bravest knave of them all, he wouldn't have gotten far without Tyrion Lannister.

Trans Kueen
Now that I've had time to reflect, this is probably the most disappointing final season I've ever seen. GoT made the Sopranos ending seem fulfilling. Even Arrested Development's rushed "final" season was better (before they brought it back). Maybe some amazing animator will create an alternate ending based on fan fiction.
“It was a shock for me because that wasn’t how I envisioned her arc going this year,” Maisie explained. “Then I realized there were other things I could play, bringing Arya back to being a 16-year-old again.”

“It’s not a Game of Thrones ending for Arya, it’s a happy ending,” Williams added. “It gave me a place to take Arya that I never thought I’d go with her again.”

It’s not a Game of Thrones ending for Arya and it’s not a quality ending for Arya.

Maisie Williams Hated Arya’s Ending In ‘Game Of Thrones,’ Would Have Rather Seen Her Character Die