Game of Thrones Season 8

The politics and backstabbing and mistrust are a hallmark of GoT, and part of what makes the series so amazing.

But it feels completely out of place given the current predicament. No one in the North should really care about who's king or queen, who they don't trust, etc. when the army of the dead is about to attack with a fucking ice dragon
I felt this episode was a waste of precious 60min. All the reunions were necessary but could have been handled in more interesting ways.

The Jon+dany dragon flying was probably the biggest waste of screen time the show ever one cares just fuck or fight what is this shit

Next week is far more interesting with Jaime showing up and preparation for battle of Winterfell. Ep3 will be bananas.
It would be a master stroke on the show runners part if they went with the whole Mad Queen angle with Dany, but they won’t. They’ve been dropping hints like anvils in a Looney Tunes cartoon that she’s going to get knocked up by having Dany insist to anyone that will listen that she’s barren. A Song of Ice and Fire baby. Yawn.

I want to see what happens with Tyrion. He used to be such an intergral part of the story and now all he does is look sullen and poke fun at Varys for being a eunuch.

Glad Lady Mormont called Jon on his shit. Yes, an army of the dead is coming, but you could’ve done something besides given your kingdom away wholesale to Targaryen Barbie. I hope they make Sansa Queen of the North, and Tyrion, Varys, and Davos are her Privy Council.
typical of GoT though, lots of wasted time - took as long to reunion everyone as it did for the kinglslayer to ride to winterfell YAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNN
I was at the waterfall they showed... saying they would never be found except it is 100 meters from the main highway ... i saw a lot of their filming locations when i was visiting Iceland. this is the first time i watched an episode without having the full season already. i think i will wait now until the end to watch the rest.
yeah, i was in iceland last summer...went to that cave where jon and ygritte banged - think i read its closed now though...the farmer that owns the land got pissed off at people leaving trash or something

so dany is jons aunt, is that right?
I don't know if anyone watched the inside the episode part after the show (at least, on HBO GO), but there was something interesting said by one of the producers. He said that "Jon Snow and Arya Stark are the two most important characters in the series".

Hmmm....I get Jon, but my favorite little killer? Nice.