
Tom Bombadill

Veteran XV
Anybody of experience with their gallbladder getting removed? I don't know if that is the course of action yet but I'm assuming it will be. I've got jaundice for christs sake
Is that why they cut you out of the Fellowship of the Ring??? cause ur galsontes.... from 10 years ago...zz

duuur teeh ee hee
Yes had mine removed last year...first three days sucked but pain was almost gone by day five

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woah jnova that sux

my dad got his out a year ago and he constantly gets cramps and pain when he hits the gluten/high salt food or beer which he loves to do

theyll probably give u an okay foods to eat list follow this for fucks sake or u could end up with another operation for the same thing and a lot of pain
I had mine removed last December, never had issue until the evening we had Christmas dinner at gramps. Thought I was having pain from blockage due to the cheese casserole. After 24 hours since pain started, dehydrated, vomiting bile that makes me want to sacrifice babies to lucifer, and delirious from lack of sleep, I said fuck it and had someone drive me to the ER.

Not even five minutes in the door they had me on painkillers hooked up doing an EKG bringing an ultrasounder machine in. Turned out I had a gallstone "twice the size of a golf ball" that wouldn't budge, so i was under the knife not even five hours later. Surgery couldn't go any smoother according to surgeon, and I was out the door the next day with five different pain killer scrips, and pain free. There was a special name for it but the surgery they did to me involved cutting three holes into my midsection and pulling everything out through belly button, where I spent a week and a half draining saline and blood from. Fun to freak people out with actually and I get to convince people I've been shot several times and survived. Pretty sure mine was the result of the heavy minerals in the waters around here.

Good luck, be sure to grab plenty of nurses' ass.
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I always thought mostly women need gall bladders removed due to a lifetime of rollercoaster weight loss/gain/loss.
i feel like shit and my next appointment isn't till monday

I had my sonogram and she pretty much said it was gallstones

i just went this shit out
i can remove a gallbladder in my sleep

only problem is that latest studies show ur tribes skills r never the same post-cholecystectomy
xtasy y is it that my neuro surgery was all in feb but now all of a sudden in last 2 weeks i cant grip shit with my right hand like not even a pen

is it cuz the brain swelling has gone down so much that the real injuries are showing or did i have a tia in my sleep or some shit that i cant remember
If you're jaundiced then you have a blockage that's causing bile to back up into your liver, impairing it's function. That's the point at which you should be going to an ER, especially if it's been over 24 hours.

I had mine out over this past Christmas holiday - the timing sucked but is understandable. I knew I had stones but didn't have any problems because my diet was already low in fat. It was the fatty Christmas crap that motivated a stone to become lodged in the duct and cause exactly the problem you're having now. I waited it out for 24 hours and went in.

In my case they performed two procedures. The first was a tube down the throat to snip the common bile duct and release the stone that wouldn't pass through the common bile duct. This thing wasn't painful, but freaky as hell. You're sedated but awake - and that tube blasts you with air - you're open from your mouth to your stomach. I don't remember much, but I remember belching so forcefully I thought I'd roll off the table (your strapped on, stomach down).

The actual gall bladder removal really was a joke. I woke up with just enough pain that I thought it was going to be sever when I moved - it wasn't. In fact I was able to get out of bed and walk around as soon as the anesthetic had adequately worn off.

What you can eat after surgery is entirely dependent on the individual. The job of the gall bladder was to store surplus bile to help you digest fatty foods. You don't have that any more so either your liver will pick up the slack or it won't. If it doesn't - stay away from fat. If it does, then you have an option.

For me, five months later, I can eat anything without pain or discomfort. That could be because most of what I eat is lean or green, but when it isn't, I don't have problems. I've also met people who eat garbage all day and they don't seem to have a problem either.

Best of luck - but I wouldn't wait to go in.