Fucking Amazon Keeps Fucking Up My Shipping


Veteran XX
This is the second time in a row their next day shipping turned into 3 day shipping because someone forgot to put it on a truck. I pay these nigs a lot of money for Prime and this is the shit I get. Fuck them.

I did get a free month of prime and $25, is everyone poor? Who the fuck wants $25 instead of the thing they ordered?
Thread title should have been -

Fucking fucks Amazon keep fucking fucking up my fuckity-fucking fucking shipments.
I know you would bro - Merry Christmas to you and yours - or whatever you do or don't celebrate this time of year.*

*Unless it's killing people then fuck you.
they haven't fucked up anything on their end but any time they ship FedEx or USPS, it ends up lost. getting annoying
This is the second time in a row their next day shipping turned into 3 day shipping because someone forgot to put it on a truck. I pay these nigs a lot of money for Prime and this is the shit I get. Fuck them.

I did get a free month of prime and $25, is everyone poor? Who the fuck wants $25 instead of the thing they ordered?

u crying
i got my pre-order Fallout like 4 days after release. It was pretty sweet. The problem with amazon is Prime isnt valid on most shit anyway so its like your paying for prime thats like a 50% chance of being an option anyway....

Then it arrives late anyways lol.
the fuck are you pleebs talking about.

I get everything I order at most 2 days after its ordered unless it specifies in the shipping details that it's 5-7 or something. Otherwise it's never late, and I order from Amazon all the time.

Also, why the hell wouldn't you use prime video if you have prime? At least watch The Man in the High Castle.
My bitch with Amazon is they charge me sometimes after it is delivered and it throws off my stripper and blow money.
