Fucked up world records


Veteran X

E11.Longest Time Standing Naked in the Rain
Requirements: Video camera - we really wanna see this one!
Record holder: Linda Reynolds, Warrington, England
Details: 15 minutes and 32 seconds - Barking mad February 2003

E8.Most Dog Poop Trodden In in 1 Day
Requirements: Actively seek out piles of poop and jump in - bet you've never seen anyone do that before - distinction for drawing peoples attention to your actions and giving your foot a good old twist just to make sure
Record holder: Jon Hewitt, Chippenham, England
Details: 2 "Twice in one day - accidentally - does it count?" YES January 2003

E15.Most Regulation Soccer Balls Held - Naked
Requirements: Hold the soccer balls up off the ground without the aid of clothing or outside assistance
Record holder: John Dudley, Cadeleigh, England
Details: 7 - as a starter October 2002

I think england also holds the record for the most babies drop on their heads.

Pedestrian Crossing Long-Jump


Most Tennis Balls Held Naked