FUCK CHINA and the Boat it Rode in On

I hate to break this to you but a lot of people read her paper and apparently there's a lot of references to unsubstantiated blog posts and the second part is apparently gibberish.

You might not want to die on this particular hill.

I have her paper.

I love how National Geographic and other places are very quick to dismiss the possibility of the virus being man made.
I'm still on the hill and not dead yet Jim.
She clearly hates and wants the CCP's demise, does that mean she's making it all up?
I don't think so.
She is working with others, so, second hand info... does it prove true?

All actions by the CCP have been to hide whatever truth is out there, whether origin, transmissions, any info about the virus they've hidden,,, makes them suspect for sure.
they were kinda expensive
but you only had to buy one for your entire life
or take it to the electronic plasmatic shop and get fixed
which rarely happened unless you got your toaster as a present while a teenager and live to like 70
but never a need to buy another one
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Got your backs
way back
Taiwan unveils cruise missiles designed to strike Chinese military installations | Taiwan News


...The GPS-guided missiles are said to have the ability to strike Chinese air bases, military barracks, and fortifications in Fujian and Guangdong provinces once they are fired from near the median line of the Taiwan Strait. They can also be used to immobilize amphibious ships approaching Taiwan, reported CNA....Since last Thursday (Sept. 17), Chinese warplanes have entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) five times. On Sept. 18, 12 Chinese jets crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and came extremely close to entering Taiwan's sovereign airspace...

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now they gonna have to eat their shitty beef all by themselves

no matter how delicious it was gonna be

and i'm still hungry

got u chink bot fukas good
Is this an Election Thread?
Is this a Biden Thread?
Is this thread about the Ukraine?
Is this thread about the permanent coup?
Yes! It's All About Fuck China!
or let's just say it's a thread about the
Global Dictator Communists around the world
and their useful idiots

is a hoax pointing it at President Trump; I still have no idea how they supposedly influenced
Do you?? someone tell me what Russia did beside conjecture

Let me give you something to really worry about.
Not conjecture; Just pure facts backed up by known numbers,
mr. biden, they're not debunked no matter how many times you say it
