FUCK CHINA and the Boat it Rode in On


Destroy? Naw. Rest of the world would be more than happy to pick up any slack and fill the gaps. It could also start a broader change that moves other countries away as they will see its a viable option.

Almost sounds like what led up to Japan getting all shitty before WWII.

I would love to see it happen.

Still never forgiven the Japs for the storming of the beaches at Normandy.
China wants to stop using western computing tech by 2023. Where does that leave the rest of the world that uses china to build all their shit?
China wants to stop using western computing tech by 2023. Where does that leave the rest of the world that uses china to build all their shit?

where does that leave china which uses the western world as the source for its stolen technology?
wakanda hills is a 100% white residential area in black forest

95% of the homes r owned by chair force "colonels" who made rank on retirement day, yet have the audacity 2 bag on "welfare queens" in shitholes like chicago

they need help w/ operating their early 1990s entertainment systems

china gonna be full noko w/ wakanda tech
I wouldn't imagine those building would stand for much longer under that onslaught.

poor fuckers

but fuck them, they gave us corona
its hard to see any details to make sure this is in china but all of the people in this video are speaking japanese

Wow, that would be strange. Japanese in china? fake news?
Are the floods not that bad? I remember when Japan had some floods...
The dam breaking thing was like a month ago and never happened y'all are seriously like 1 months behind on happenings news