Fuck Bitches, Get Married? [either/or]

Women's biological clock goes into overdrive late 20's/early 30's. It's why they get so crazy/clingy.

I have no personal experience with this, it's something I learned in AP english in high school. I don't know why.
Also, I guess her age explains the insane clingyness after 4 months. She's just probably realizing that she doesn't have much time left to pop out a few kids with someone and be remotely happen.

It's obvious you don't want to do it, and that's why you made the thread. Because if you really loved her and truly wanted to be happy and sappy and all that, you wouldn't give a shit what anyone here says.
You have all the power in the relationship. Right now.

As soon as you marry her you lose all the power in the relationship.

I don't like this. She's older but she acts like she is a teenager?

This seems like a trap to me.
Reno, everyone has said no. It's pretty obvious.

If she is a clinger, older, and in debt, she will defiantly want to get pregnant ASAP and trick you. Always use a condom. Dont leave seed out in the open, and demand a paternity test when she cheats on your to get pregnant and claim you are the father.
if you are thinking about 'sarging some HB10's' whatever the fuck that is, I assume it means fucking other chicks, then you're a fool for even thinking about marriage, let alone with this chick. Here's what's going to happen if you get married to her:

1. She will remain clingy, driving you further away making you want to spend less time with her.

2. Her clinginess tells me that she won't waste any time to trap you by getting knocked up which she will do in hopes to combat step 1.

3. You'll have a kid or two, spend some time with her raising them but ultimately you'll need some time to do the shit you want to do while she's busy taking care of the kids resulting in you spending less time with her.

4. Your spending less time with her will further increase her clinginess, causing her at some point to seek out the attention she is seeking from you but not getting and she'll end up cheating on you, which by this point probably won't matter because you'll have been doing it for a while to her.
5. You'll end up in a divorce, more in debt, owing spousal support and child support for the NEXT 18 YEARS.


4 Months!?!?!?!?
Reggs, how exactly do you "defiantly want to get pregnant"?

or "beam me up"

and OP: No. Just fucking no. 4 months if she isn't intelligent enough to know that no guy wants to talk about marriage at that point. God. I can only imagine how overbearing she'll attempt to be once you put a ring on that finger.
honestly dude 4 months seems a little fast to be thinking about marriage. i know you're 27 (28) but still..this is the REST OF YOUR LIFE. do you know the statistics of males who recover financially from divorce before 30-35? its a very small percentage. think longterm here. theres no rush to marry. she just wants you to..
I was originally going to post a smartass answer cuz your lame ass didn't add cliffs, but then I actually read the OP.

So I'll skip the smartass answer then, and ask if you're just a fucking retard, or a masochist, or have zero experience with women, or what?

Just going by the chick's description you gave, you'll hate her within a year, will cheat on her within two, and be stuck with her (and your kids) for the next 18 years as she calls you to whine about her life and press you for more money.

Get a fuckin grip, dude.
lmao irctaxi is giving girl advice
warning sign number ONE: Wants to get married after 4 months

any person in their right mind would never do such a thing
Letting her move in after 4 months? 16 weeks? 120 days??? And unless you have spent every single fucking day with her 24 hours, how can you possibly know this girl? And there's already a bunch of stuff you don't like about her.

How many days a week do you spend with her and for how many hours?? If you added up all the actual hours spent physically with her, I would be shocked if it even totals 2 weeks worth of time.

In conclusion: You're fucking retarded.
I would say no... and it sounds like you're going to do what you want anyway. But always sees the negative in things? Talking about marriage after 4 months? Clingy?

Marry her? Fuck no. Run the fuck away, quick.

The heart, the mind.
the optimistic humane part of life.
you believe, you hope she will improve.....Hmmmm, ....nope!

Dilley has it right.
Remember, .............he was rolled this past year
he was hurt but he survived......But it sure as hell didn't feel good to him!

my view on this matter.....Go to Alaska.....
when you come back
tell her you met a "hot" eskimo chick and she's expecting twins by you!
She'll understand.

Ok!....I'll be serious......my experience.
I've known Angie for 5 years.
She was a "crackhead ho"

yeah she loves me
BUT....She needs her "crack"....first and last

She's still a "crackhead ho"

I just love her crack, but the price is too high.
So,........Now I'm going thru withdrawal from her.
It's a bitch!
I knowingly took a calculated risk with her.........I invested 2 serious years with her...I have to cut my losses.
I avoided contact 1 whole week...she chased me down.
I rejected her.

I rejected her just two hrs, ago....
"Crackhead ho's" never give you $$$$$
she offered me some to give her a ride.
I said, " No, I'll pass....I don't feel like going anywhere tonite"
2 seconds of silence...she hung up!
I disconnected the phone.

Hard,hard..... Pussy is not a scarce commodity.
the loss of familiarity is a bitch.

A relationship is like a pair of shoes...if they don't feel just right
don't keep them...find another pair.....:bye:

Pass, let it be
Be strong
It will be the best for both of you.
Dat's Eat!:shock:
Babes, bucks I got it all. I get shit for living in China accused of being a shovel face fucker. Hey I dig asian women. So I'm right where I wanna be playboy.

hey "randy rabbi", ..............oyi
What kinds of noises do female chinks
make when they're being fucked
can you give us a phonetic example?
........just curious.