Veteran XX



NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum has scrubbed the page about the FTX crypto exchange from its website.

FTX | World Economic Forum



Alameda Frontran Crypto Tokens Ahead Of New Listings On FTX | ZeroHedge

Another day, and one more shoe drops in the ongoing FTX scandal.

In the latest episode in this relentless scandal-drama, the WSJ reports that the trading arm of Sam Bankman-Fried's empire, Alameda Research, was quietly amassing stakes in various cryptos ahead of announcements that FTX would be listing them for trade, a practice that is patently illegal.

Citing analysis of public blockchain data from analytics firm Argus, the Wall Street Journal reported that on the days FTX said it would be listing "new" tokens between 2021 and March of this year, Alameda had already amassed roughly $60 million worth of tokens ahead of time, arguably to sell into the burst of customer demand and make a huge risk-free profit.

This dollar amount was combined across 18 different coin listings tied to the Ethereum blockchain, according to the report, which goes on to note that while it's unclear whether Alameda sold the tokens, the practice continues to raise questions about regulations in the world of crypto, where illegal frontrunning and other manipulative tactics have become a way of life.

I'm not a religious man, but if God had a chosen people, would they really look anything like that?
Well except for Ed... Ed is kicked out of the link
From now on the word 'link' even used with the word all
is exclusive of Ed
Trump had a new scandal every fucking day. The Biggest scandals. The Best scandals. Believe me
Trump isn't currently sending all your money to Ukraine bro. Maybe kick the TDS down to 6 or 7
I know some of you cringe at YT videos while at least one of you stop reading if a poster says they learned something from YT (hint: TV and MSM is dead), but I watched two great videos last night while on the couch about this massive financial nightmare. This shit runs deep; infects all levels of politics in several different countries and the Jew-controlled media is going to do all they can to downplay this because, well, they are Jews.

The New York Times ran a puff piece yesterday which is laying the groundwork for them sweeping this under the rug. Hopefully, though, the backlash on that article will force the NYT to take this shit seriously but, :lol:... Jews gonna protect the Jew.

Very good and well produced investigative journalism. Seriously, this channel produces some good stuff.

I've been watching this dude for about 4 years or so. He started off doing videos about gaming but found his niche in making investigation videos and yeah, he does good work.

Anyways - this is massive and with so many players in high places completely removing from the web all aspects of their work with SBF, I hope to see some government officials getting the rope.