[FS] TV - LG - 47" Class / 1080p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV - Glossy Black


Veteran XV

Only 5 months old, got it when I got to college, but I am about to be moving into another apartment with the gf and we decided to use her tv and sell mine.

Paid right over 1000 for it if I recall back in September and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Great tv and picture for the price. Just have no room for it now & don't want it up in storage.
ITT nerds attacking my sale.

Sorry let me rephrase, I was given this TV as a college gift from my mom who knows absolutely nothing about online shopping and bargain hunting. She got it brand new from Best Buy with straight cash cause she's thug.

I am selling it for the average if not below average cost you can find it for on these "bargain electronic websites" because I am a nice guy and it's still brand new.

If you don't want to buy it then kindly show yourself the door & Virtuosity I might take 375 and an autographed manatee picture.
i wasn't really trying to shit on anyones thread. Just pointing out that the item is a few hundred dollars less then he is selling it for brand new.

anyways ill go $425 if virtuosity doesnt nab it.

also i do love some goat dick
Malone: For a frame of reference, an LG 47" 1080p 240hz is on sale at FS up here for 800CAD.

In electronics, it doesn't matter what you paid for it, it matters what it's worth.

Not trying to shit on your thread, just trying to help you out.
OK, yeah. That advice is great and everything, but it doesn't belong in this thread. We've been over this a million times. PM the guy if you feel you have to correct him on his price.

Fuck's sake people... Why does everybody think they're the fucking Price Police?