Forums: Which one do you use?

i try and find the forums with the oldest version of vbulletin so i can easily execute my haxx from 1998 and pwn punk biches
Pas la fin du monde mais vous pouvez le voir d'ici

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once you are a regular at tw, you are tainted...spoiled...damaged goods. You can't go to other forums. Its like putting a mass murdering, goat fucking pedophile in with a church group
once you are a regular at tw, you are tainted...spoiled...damaged goods. You can't go to other forums. Its like putting a mass murdering, goat fucking pedophile in with a church group

eh, not so much

it's more like putting a truth telling conservative on CNN. you're not gonna last long, you will be censored.

the echo chamber will downvote you to oblivion and the owners will ban you.
it depends on the place i've been banned from the donald on reddit and but they still let me post on great awakening
tf? howd u manage that?

Criticized democrats like Biden and Clinton. I also criticized Republicans like Trump, but that doesn’t get you banned there. I’m pretty sure the Democratic Party has control of Imgur. They downvote socialists too if not pro democrat.

Doesn’t matter where I try to make an account, it knows who I am and I can never make any comments anymore.
I got perma banned on Imgur

The last straw was when I said, "I've been thinking of voting for Trump 2020 just for four more years of reeeeee". The responses were pretty much what you'd expect from those who've been reeeeing for the previous four years.