
Not sure if its indicative but my son and most of his friends have stopped playing because it's "boring" now. However they are still fully engaged watching the music themed youtube videos. Not sure what to think of that...
Not sure if its indicative but my son and most of his friends have stopped playing because it's "boring" now. However they are still fully engaged watching the music themed youtube videos. Not sure what to think of that...

my son switched to some plants vs zombies thing
ty 4 takn tyme 2 lettuc all no bout ur wyte trash kid been a pussycuck wyte trash fukn l0s3r lykka u bruh gj smdh lol :jester:
Got to championship league (300+) pretty easily in arena mode. Though it seems the hardest games are around 280-300 points because borderline players are trying hard to get to champions.

Totally different game. I never watched streamers but it's crazy having 40 people in the first moving circle. Running low on mats you have to be aggressive otherwise it's all about tunneling and mobility.
Still playing Fortnite. Our kids play it too. We all on PC. My fav items are in inventory order:

-Pump. Starting to change to Tactical to try faster rate of fire.
-Heavy sniper rifle
-Boom bow

I'm landing mostly at the steel building on the edge of Dusty Divot and starting a gold chest route that leads around dusty divot.


I land Tilted Towers.

I'm getting better with combat but still can't do quick defence/attack building during combat like the advanced players. My loot routes are now pretty good so I'm well armed. My K : D ratio is sometimes pretty good.
personally, gold/purple SMG first, with gold/purple pump second works best. I just tear through noobs. Have a range weapon too. The other 2 slots I keep as shields/slurp.
I still play this game with my kids... I have fun with them, but holy fuck playing it on an Xbox is a goddamned hopeless endeavor.

I really need to look into buying a mouse and keyboard for it, holy crap the controller is useless.

at least its 3rd person. watching people play fps on console is frustrating as hell to watch
I honestly cannot understand how a human being is expected to aim accurately with an Xbox controller. Not only does the controller overshoot 90 percent of the time forcing a constant correction/recorrection/recorrection type thing, but holy fuckballs how are you supposed to build quickly with it? I watch other guys like magically build a turtle around them, meanwhile my dumb ass has to stop, move the selection over to the next piece, fight with the piece of shit game to get it to place correctly, then stop, change to a new building piece, and do it all over again. I don't even bother building anything when I'm fighting, I just say fuckit and fight through it. This also involves me dying a lot.

Game kinda pisses me off because I can't really tell if it's the Xbox controller that's making me suck at the game, or if it's my sucking at the game that's making me suck at the game. :(
You're not expected to aim with it, thats why dirty console players need aim assist.

Don't hang out with console'll get fleas..and thumb blisters
the perfect BR would be like FN without building and actual skillful aim

i am guessing theyre avoiding this so they dont have to bother with cheats... cuz who needs cheats wen theyre built in lol. but until then itll just be a kids hangout place, and not much of a serious game, at least not enough for the esports scene to mean anything.