FleetCommand map fixes


Veteran XV
One of the long standing problems with FleetCommand was that when the teleport was activated and used clients would frequently drop with "Invalid Packet" errors.

This made playing the map all the way through impossible in most cases. If anybody did manage to get the teleport operational - that was pretty much the end of the server.

It turns out the problem is just a simple coding error. In FleetCommand.mis in the
function TeleportEffect::Engage(%this)
change this line:
%player = client::getownedobject(%object);
%player = %this ;

another good correction to put in is to change fc::undo to this:

function fc::undo()
$TeamItemMax[ScoutVehicle] = 3;
$TeamItemMax[HAPCVehicle] = 1;
$TeamItemMax[LAPCVehicle] = 2;
function GroupTrigger::eek:nEnter(%this, %object){}

the above will correctly reset the max number of HPC/LPC after fleet command is played and also correctly erase the teleport trigger.

if you already have the DOX map pack installed you can grab the fixed mis file by downloading:

I've put the corrected FleetCommand on US Base.

Happy FleetCommanding!
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A similar problem occurs on the DOX DusktoDawn map when you hit one of the mines in the minefield. A coding error in the map will cause clients to drop with an invalid packet error when a mine is triggered.

If you have the DOX map pack on your server you can correct this error by editing the DusktoDawn.mis file. Locate this function:
function fusionmineExplosion::Detonate(%this)
and change the first line from this:
%player = client::getownedobject(%object);
%player = %this ;

This should correct the problems with the incredibly popular DusktoDawn map!