Fishing BOT.

i use to make literally thousands of gold with fishing. I just use to fish stone scale eels. i had 3 mules loaded with stone scale eels. when the teir 0.5 was boom released and you needed something like 40 stonescale eels for stonescale oil.

really big guilds use to buy from me and only me also. i use to sell them in lots of 500-600. for a set 30G per stack no matter what AH said at current time. I had also made a deal with my guild master who sold eels to the same guilds. He would take something like 600 eels and sell them and get me 650 gold. Then what i would do is undercut myself (my guild master with my eels) and make out with an easy 500 gold haha. so they would buy mine.. Then think that they were getting a deal when i lowered mine.. even though i was moving double the eels o the same people.

i made 2k gold in a few days. during the teir .5 boom it was great. i blew all of the money on my 19 and 29 twinks though.

when i sold to guild they would buy them really rare. so 600-700 would trickle in every few days to weeks didnt have to fish much to keep it up.

I should stay on fish. they made me a lot of gold with little to no effort on my part.
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So did you get banned nail? Because I know there was a super huge crackdown on glider in general. The also seemed to be tracking people moving large quantities of stonescales for a bit there, as well as large sum gold transfers.

So did you get banned nail? Because I know there was a super huge crackdown on glider in general. The also seemed to be tracking people moving large quantities of stonescales for a bit there, as well as large sum gold transfers.


Probably the same reason I get gold-spam letters in my mailbox every few days or gold-spam whispers during peak times.
So did you get banned nail? Because I know there was a super huge crackdown on glider in general. The also seemed to be tracking people moving large quantities of stonescales for a bit there, as well as large sum gold transfers.


I was never banned for doing so. Never banned botting and i've had one running almost 24/7 from when i learned about it. only one account banned and that was a rogue i picked up for farming but didnt care about it at all. learned about the huge ban wave and was patient and waited it out.

this started for me in about early april. my roommate had just moved out. he left his 60 shaman and 60 lock. I had no use or need for them. i was raiding with my rogue gearing him up in T2.

i didnt want to get addicted to his toons when i had a rogue finally in a good guild. this is right at about the time i learned about glider and wanted to test it out. So i took his shaman and parked him in a little corner in steam weedle port. stone scale eels bit more at night. so i would start about every night at 3 AM which was 1 server time. had an auto log in and had 16 slot bags and a loot filer. every morning i would wake up with a full bag of eels i think he's sat there from april until September

I would walk my main up and do a face to face trade. I always avoid using the mail systems.. its watched well. its just a simple data base system. i've read that if no text is spoken with the amounts face to face trades that go on unless its a reported incident its near impossible to track.

then i would mail them to an alt on my main account. and sell them in person. i would never flood the AH and if i was using the AH i was trying to not undercut by much so i wouldnt make people suspicious or destroy the market for myself.

My worst problem was going AFK. another rogue botter level 30 use to set up beside me.. and sometimes kill me. I got smart and started setting lighting shild to keep turning on over and over during combat.. most lowbies would kill themselfs tryign to gank me. If i had saw that someone ganked my shaman fisher men.. i'd just aunk up and keep going haha.
Things like fishing should be allowed to be automated. Grinding is one thing, you move around and have to THINK. Fishing though? All you have to do it hit one button once in a while. No skill, no thinking, nothing.

Fishing should last for a longer period of time (30-60 mins), and you catch multiple items as time passes (not just at the end). Just like real fishing, you don't stop fishing when you catch something.

I've never done much fishing other than a couple tries. Unless you use a bot, there is no way for it to be a good way at getting money. If you do use a bot, well...why not use a bot to do more useful things?
I usually fish as part of my side gold maker by fishing out wreckages/oily blackmouth pools along the Merchant Coast in addition to farming stranglekelp. Very rarely do you get a green, most of the time you get trunks filled with region-level-appropriate crafting materials (leather, bolts of cloth, etc.) in them. It was boring, but you need the oil fish for alchemy.
i've done 1-300 fishing on a few characters now. if you don't have fishing or cooking in TBC you are missing out on good buffs that last 30 minutes now!

20 stam/spirit
30 stam/spirit
40ap 20spirit
20stam & 8mana/5s
23 spell dmg/20spirit
44 healing/20spirit

the spirit part isnt that great but the other part of the buff is ++
My cooking is currently 365 and Mok'Nathal Short Ribs and Crunchy Serpent is still green until 375 but I won't spend time on grinding that. So the last option is to fish but you need maxed out fishing skill to fish the appropriate fish and atm my skill is 275 :(.
I have to hand it to Nail Bomb on his methodical selling and bot fishing. Honestly I wouldn't rather spend that much time on it unless I developed a somewhat time-efficient system, and even that you would have to know in advance if fish will be popular again, much like the 0.5 rush.

It's quite similar to RL business, except you make made-up money.
I take no credit for this. I'm simply copying and pasting from one site to this one for you.


Hey guys, most of you like me once upon a time farmed countless hours to get whatver it is that you needed at the moment.. well screw that! Just use a Fishbot!

This bot is from World of Warcraft Fish Bot and I have scanned it with multiple virus scanners as well as decompiling the source code (you can use AU3 to decompile, google for autoit), this bot does not send any information whatsoever to any external sources, it also does not "inject" like alot of wow utilities, it just simulates eyesight and keystrokes.


You'll need WinRAR to extract (WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP files)

Instructions: as per World of Warcraft Fish Bot

1) First, extract Fish-Bot.rar, and to reduce detectability, rename fishbot.exe to whatever you wish, it really doesn't matter one bit.

2) Open World of Warcraft, and run to your fishing spot. Make sure to have your graphics settings at the MAXIMUM settings for any settings that have to do with detail. (Texture Detail, Spell Detail, etc) Also, Fish-Bot works best in 800x600 WINDOWED mode. (You must be in windowed mode regardless of resolution size) Also, set your "Fishing Skill" in the first slot on the first action bar.

3) Open Fish-Bot.exe (or whatever you renamed it to), and you'll see some settings you can set. To set what bobber color to detect, cast your pole once, then mouse over which color you want to select, and press F9 while Fish-Bot is open in the background. This will pickup the color currently at your mouse cursor. I usually use the beige portion of the bobber.

4) Now, you should set your color & splash tolerance levels, sometimes the default works straight away, but most of the time you have to tinker with it. I use a splash tolerance of 9 & a color tolerance of 20.

5) Setting up your search area is pretty easy, just hit the button, and it will activate your WoW window and walk you through setting up your catch area.

6) The other settings are trivial, you can set it up to stop after "x" fishes, or set up an auto-response mechanism for whispers, but other than that, you're ready! Make sure to save your settings, and click "Start bot!" to start fishing!
Here's another, not all of it is complete. Again, I take no credit, except for bringing it here.

CyberFish 3

Download link: RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting


Welcome to CyberFish, one of the easiest and most advanced fishing utilities for World of Warcraft. We have extracted CyberFish from WoW Tools and now release it as a standalone program.

What's New

We have added a status window that will display time left, number of fish caught, number of tells received and the current action or status of CyberFish.

In addition, we have added the option to have CyberFish terminate WoW if too many tells are received. You can now set the color of your tell text if you have customized your colors instead of using the default "purple" text. You can also have CyberFish beep through your CPU speaker to alert you when you have received a tell.

There is NOT a user guide included at this time. We will repost when it is available.

Setting up WoW

1. Make sure "Click to Move" is unchecked in your Interface Options. If it isn't, you'll drown!

2. Once you find your spot to fish, zoom the camera all the way in until your character is no longer visible. This is often referred to as "1st person" view.

3. Your fishing skill icon must be visible on your skill bar somewhere.

4. If you intend to use lures, you must drag your fishing pole and lure icons to your skill bar to be accessible by CyberFish.

5. Make sure WoW is in windowed mode.

CyberFish GUI

Duration: Enter a time (in minutes) of how long you want CyberFish to fish for. If you want it to fish for 1 hour, enter 60 (minutes).

Skill Location: Click this button and hover your mouse over the fishing skill icon in your skill bar.

Bobber Color: Click this button and hover your mouse over a very distinct color of your bobber. You must have your bobber in the water already! CyberFish will automatically move your mouse down/right off of your bobber to get a true color set. The color selected will appear under "Bobber Color" on the CyberFish GUI.

Loot Location: Click this button and hover your mouse over the fish caught in the loot window. You only have to set this if you do not want to use "Quickloot".

Tell Area: Click this button and hover your mouse over the lower-left most area of your chat window. It must be over a portion of the text. For best results, set your chat window background to black or darkish.

Tell Color: Click this button and hover your mouse over the text of a tell to set the color. The color will appear under "Tell Color" on the CyberFish GUI.

Lure Icon: Click this button and hover your mouse over the lure icon you placed in your skill bar.

Pole Icon: Click this button and hover your mouse over the fishing pole icon you placed in your skill bar.

Quickloot: Check this box to have CyberFish simulate a quickloot (Shift-Click). You can set WoW to do this automatically under the interface options. If you do not use quickloot, you must set the "Loot Location" for your caught fish.

Breaks: This enables random breaks from fishing, kinda like going to get a drink, hitting the can, picking your crack, whatever.

Tell Pause: This enables CyberFish to pause when a tell is received. Enter a time to pause for in the input box next to the option. The time is in seconds and tells normally fade away after 120 seconds (2 minutes). Leave this at zero ( 0 seconds ) to have CyberFish detect when the tell automatcally fades.

Exit on Tell: This enables CyberFish to exit your WoW client when you receieve a certain number of tells. Enter the number of tells into the input box next to this option. If you enable this, we highly recommend you enter "0" for your Tell Pause time.

Tell Beep: This enables CyberFish to beep your CPU speaker 3 times to audibly notify you of receiving a tell.

Use Lure: This enables CyberFish to apply a lure to your fishing pole. Enter the number of minutes your lure is good for into the input box next to the option.

Bobber Detection: If CyberFish does not find the bobber, then increase this value. If CyberFish mistakenly finds something else because it matches the bobber color, lower this value. 20 is a very reliable default.

Splash Detection: If CyberFish does not click on the bobber when it splashes, increase this value. If CyberFish clicks prematurely (before a splash), then lower this value. 20 is a very reliable default.


Some of the menu options appear to work, such as "open...", "save as..." and "change title"... but ONLY "EXIT" works! These additions should be coded and enabled this week!

Known Bugs

If CyberFish attempts to apply a lure to your fishing pole when a lure is already applied, it will not detect the "Replace" dialog that pops up, sending the sequence into madness! If you are finding this is a problem, you may want to increase the "Use Lure" time by a couple of minutes.

Disclaimer: Use this macro at your own risk! Blizzard Entertainment prohibits the use of illegal addons, macros, bots, and unauthorized 3rd party programs. By using this product, you release TCS Software, developers, testers, and official affiliates from any and ALL responsibility and liability for damages received as the result of using this program. This product does connect to an offsite server to validate the status of the demonstration version provided here. At no time does CyberFish transmit any data, personal or otherwise, to our server. If you don't like this then don't use this program. The nature of our encryption may show a positive match for a virus, trojan or backdoor on anti-virus scanners. We have no reason to plant anything harmful. If we did, we sure as heck wouldn't encrypt it to pop a hit. If you do not like this, then don't use this program.

This version is an unlimited demo of CyberFish by TCS Software. Unlimited means that it has no functional limitations placed on it. This may be distributed freely. You may NOT sell this demo!

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007. TCS Software. All rights reserved. Hacking, Cracking, sharing of source code or reverse engineering this program is illegal and violators will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Please review the copyright laws in your area and country for limitations.
wow I haven't seen anyone talk about fishing bots since release; back when you could actually make good money with them