First time I ever got shit-faced : review

Sift said:

i cant believe you threw up AND were hung over after such a measly amount of liquor

i drink more than that on a weeknight
i drink a lot more than that, but it was his first time, so cut him some slack
You drinking newbie. Do it a few more times and figure out what you SHOULD do before you make a post about it.
What the..?

Christ on a stick, you suck at drinking. What are you, an anorexic girl with an advanced brain tumor? I'm no world champion drinker or anything, but shit, man. Next time stick to experiences you can handle, like tap water and direct sunlight.

If you won't take that advice, take this: don't drink Cuervo again unless you're trying to atone for something.
hahah, yea xplo

i had a bad experience with vodka once and i can no longer drink it without feeling sick from the taste
Sift said:
hahah, yea xplo

i had a bad experience with vodka once and i can no longer drink it without feeling sick from the taste
I've had bad experiences with lots of types of alcohol

Doesn't mean I bitch out about it
i bet i can outdrink you pound for pound (or kilo for kilo as you whacky commies say) sift
Dry heaving hurts?

I've gotten shit-faced and puked my brains out on more than one occasion, but I never really forget much of it as most people say they do.
Breyer said:
Dry heaving hurts?

I've gotten shit-faced and puked my brains out on more than one occasion, but I never really forget much of it as most people say they do.
dry heaves are incredibly painful (at least for me)

and it's the only time you can get really familiar with the taste of bile
Never have understood why people drink till they get sick. Just drink till you get a buzz going...I've NEVER gotten sick from drinking. Hell, I've never even had a hangover. (Yay for the wonders of water)
Oxyminoan said:
Never have understood why people drink till they get sick. Just drink till you get a buzz going...I've NEVER gotten sick from drinking. Hell, I've never even had a hangover. (Yay for the wonders of water)
that's because you're a pussy
Sift said:
hahah, yea xplo

i had a bad experience with vodka once and i can no longer drink it without feeling sick from the taste

It's not the experience, it's just the vodka. :p

Then again.. isn't vodka ideally not supposed to taste like anything?
Oxyminoan said:
Never have understood why people drink till they get sick. Just drink till you get a buzz going...I've NEVER gotten sick from drinking. Hell, I've never even had a hangover. (Yay for the wonders of water)
You need to try out a great drinking game me and friends came up with: "Drink 'till you puke." Rules are pretty simple. Whoever pukes first wins. The people who don't puke (aka the losers) have to keep drinking.

And vodka is supposed to have taste to it, but that's mostly for the people who drink for the taste, not drink to get fucked up. For college students, the best vodka is the one with the least taste, and more importantly, is cheaper.
i dont remember the first time i got drunk

but i can guarantee that it was on vodka

i do remember one time i drank about 3/4 of a bottle of FRIS (a fifth not a handle)

and then tried to fit myself into a cooler because somebody said i wouldnt fit in a car trunk. (at the time i was about 6'3" and about 170-180) i didnt know i did this until months later