First online experience?

Played "Interstate '76" online on 28k modem on USA host from Australia. Totally unplayable teleportation fest, but hey it was online, so novelty outweighed gameplay.

i played i76 b4 t1 too

lots of aussies in that game

the main character was named 'Groove Champion'


a bunch of us moved over from i76 to T1 when it came out

wonder if we ever played together
1990-91 on the main-frame as an undergraduate. It was just text back then, and we had a BBS for Dungeons And Dragons.
I took a military management job in 1995 so I needed a computer. So I purchased a packard Bell pc100. First thing I really remember online was webcrawler looking up shit. First social media I remember was powwow. I also remember Bianca’s smutshack which was pretty interesting at that time, now I’m forever desensitized. Had that computer up until 1999 when a friend told me about tribes, tried it, computer couldn’t do it, from there I went crazy learning to build better gaming PCs. Tribes cost be lots of money. Money well spent
reinvent implies that it is not the same identical service, but a copy
sounds like there were all of 5 BBSes that used it or something, best you can do is find a trademark app for it and not even a link for anything suggesting it even existed

hopefully you didn't pay money for it
dial-up modem calling my family friends house and then shouting for no one to pick up the phone so we could mass ogres in warcraft II
My friend Billy had AOL in ~93-94 and I'm pretty certain that's the first place I ever used the internet. The dial-up process was super high-tech with the beepin and the boopin while watching the little bars travel between the two computer icons, hoping to connect successfully on our first try. At that time we thought the internet was only chatrooms, so that's pretty much all I can remember doing when I was at his house. We were probably talking to Zopharoth and ICFire in hindsight...

Within what was probably a year, my family had subscribed to an (I think) local 14.4K ISP called Juno which cost like $10 or $20 a month. Not long after that, NetZero came out and we had that for a while but it sucked ass. There was a "HUD"/advertisement always on the bottom of your screen, although I think we figured out some pretty simple workarounds before we kicked that shit to the curb.

tl;dr gaming section:


Didn't expect or intend to go into story mode, nostalgia will do that to ya
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Artemis MUD back in the early 90s. The best memories are of dial up Duke3D and shadow warrior with mates. Oh and Outlaws on the Zone was awesome until some dick used Dr Death with his small hitbox.
yeah definitely bbs - probably lord. tradewars, food fight, etc. my parents didnt have a computer, but my best friend did (apple IIe i think) and had the type of modem where you had to place the phone headset onto it (wargames style lol) - i think it was 300 baud. then my parents finally got a computer and i think started with a 2400 baud modem - got a 2nd line, ran my own bbs for awhile using WWIV - then liquid, which was an offshoot of something else that I can't remember. I had it connected to WWIVnet, which was pretty cool - before the internet!

Had independent study my junior and senior years for one period helping run my high schools BBS - which had been called School Daze, but they made us change it to School Days :lol: good times

then I slowly got into newsgroups (before the web existed) - then finally the web / "modern" internet.
figuring out that <font = 999999999999999999999999999> over aol IM would boot anyone offline irc server had netsplits without channel control and you could take over tons of channels during a netsplit and rename them all racist things

getting banned from compuserve for saying black people have internet?

finding the high schools novell admin login and messaging teachers with vulgar remarks from other teachers. i was later banned from using school pcs without supervision.