[First Dates] Where to?

Yeah, most kids are broke, so it's usually dinner, then movie or bowling. Next step up is concerts and sporting events. After that it's vacations. Don't raise the bar too high to begin with, or you'll have nowhere else to go. Comedy clubs are another idea. They have food and it's a 2 drink min per person.
I've had good luck with comedy clubs.

In college I was going to school in the middle of no where so there weren't any real date places so we would go snowboarding or bowling or just back to my house to get drunk with the housemates and play some beer pong or watch a movie on the projector. At least if the movie is at your place you can talk the whole way through. I never quite understood going to the movies as an early date.
i dont like seeing movies on first dates. you should be doing something on a first date that allows you the chance to talk/get to know each other, not just sit in a dark room silently and watch a screen. something like dinner works well, then usually i invite them back to my place and take it from there.
And one more thing, girls have been to all these places already, so they don't care you're paying big bucks to take them there. In fact, they expect it. For example, my daughter is 17, and she goes to more restaurants than I do. We have food here at home, but that's not good enough, no no, she heads out with her BF to Lefty's, a chicken wing restaurant.
And one more thing, girls have been to all these places already, so they don't care you're paying big bucks to take them there. In fact, they expect it. For example, my daughter is 17, and she goes to more restaurants than I do.

Thats cause nobody is trying to get into your pants :D
I would take a girl somewhere I would go myself when I was going out. Where do you go when you go out? Go there.
Don't do movies, what is the point if you can't talk or even see each other most of the time?

I was checking all the posts to see if someone would say that.

Though I haven't had to go on a lot of first dates...I agree with Rayn completely here. Movies are a horrible idea for a first date...too much no talking/getting to know you time.

I think dinner is good...followed by a walk someplace where you are at.

1. Take her to a dinner place you like in your 'hip downtown area' (wherever that is). I suggest a dinner place you like for a couple of reasons (you can suggest something you already know is good. If the date goes bad at least you can look back on the night and say "well at least I got to eat my favorite dish at x"

2. Suggest a walk around the area afterwards if you like the way the conversation went during dinner. (This gives her an opportunity to decline...which would probably mean she didn't care for the way the dinner conversation went as well as you did)

3. At any time during the walk you can do one of various things. (call it a night...or you can suggest slipping into one of the local bars/clubs/comedy places).
i was actually thinking about this yesterday

since this girl cant get into any bars around here (shes 20), i was just going to take her out to dinner somewhere nice near my house then walk back to my place for drinks then watch a movie in my bed (followed by heavy petting and possible fluid exchange)
I got part 3 figured out..just need the rest.

1. [strike]Take her to Tribalwar.com[/strike]
2. [strike]Take her to The Shithole[/strike]
3. ???
4. [strike]Profit[/strike]
i agree with bowling. movies are a terrible idea until you start becoming a couple

but i wonder how much different it would be if you asked this question on a predominantly female forum
Don't do movies, what is the point if you can't talk or even see each other most of the time?

Depends on that gal, the day of the week and the movie.

Probably not the ideal first date choice unless all those factors were perfect. But a smart chick + a smart movie can lead to good conversation, laughs and such. That requires having time to hang out afterwards, though.

I wouldnt take a first date to some generic movie. In NYC, i'd look at what's playin at the Angelika if we went out to dinner in the area, so that we could go for a walk... and i could mention it as an option, etc.
Movie then Dinner - it was lame but worked out pretty well and we took a nice walk at this little private beach I knew about afterwards.

wtf noob alert

I thought everyone knows movie sucks for first date. You're not even talking to each other. You want to be talking the whole time. Cut out the movie, grab the dinner only, keep it short and don't drag out the night.