Feminism for Bro's

White men can be arrogant. They earned the right to it by creating the modern world. I wish uppity niggers showed even a modicum of respect for the people who made his life easy and comfortable by inventing all the things in it. But being a low IQ nigger, it's unlikely.

Wow, you are not very educated are you absent? Read a book sometime about modern marvels. By your twisted logic white man should be stepping aside and bowing down to Asians.

I think the point is they're both going to jail because they're not pulling away to ask if they can proceed every 30 seconds.
It appears as if they are in a car in a public place as well.
"Bristol: Fuck your girl wherever you want but get consent from that daft cunt."
Wow, you are not very educated are you absent? Read a book sometime about modern marvels. By your twisted logic white man should be stepping aside and bowing down to Asians.

asians aren't being led by jews, or anchored by niggers. and the chinese are poisoning themselves with pollution, building empty cities, and stealing IP and technology whenever they can. oh, and most of those modern marvels were designed by western companies.
i was expecting the guy to bust out a contract at the end of the video

the final, and most sensual of all the consent questions:

"can you... please print your name under your signature?"
We have Pre Nuptials. Is it time for the Pre Fucktials? Maybe a Pre Dicktion form? Predonks?

Actually - it would be better to have post.

Fuck it - we need dick cams like car cams. Video all this shit.
Free Love Baby - Bring back the sixties - Whip out our Dicksties - We want some tail - not to go to jail - you want our money - we want your honey etc