
Oh boy. I hadn’t read this thread until now. Can’t wait to add to my win column.

I donated $100 to Bernie about four months ago. I’ll make another donation in your guys name right now.
Please donate for Maga Wall of America asap we need that Maga Beautiful Magnificent só Beautiful and Wonderful Wall of America before the impeachment :hurry: hurricanes are cumming and we don't have boomer bombs just yet
Oh boy. I hadn’t read this thread until now. Can’t wait to add to my win column.

I donated $100 to Bernie about four months ago. I’ll make another donation in your guys name right now.

smart move! why not donate a cool thousand instead?
Oh I too encourage your support of Democratic candidates.... isn't there one or two more you could donate to besides Bernie and Warren? I myself have given to President Donald Trump's reelection campaign so... you all who want the downfall of the USA by way of Social Globalism,,, better start giving...
I better get a definition for you
to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow:
to give a birthday present to someone.
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Oh I too encourage your support of Democratic candidates.... isn't there one or two more you could donate to besides Bernie and Warren?
I donated to Mayor Pete in the beginning but he’s served his purpose so I don’t think any more support is necessary. Warren and Sanders are advancing causes outside of just them possibly winning the presidency so continued support is prudent. Biden is Biden so I’ll let others handle that if they they want.

No one else is worth supporting financially.
Oh boy. I hadn’t read this thread until now. Can’t wait to add to my win column.

I donated $100 to Bernie about four months ago. I’ll make another donation in your guys name right now.

$100 says everything I need to know about your net worth.

I donated to Mayor Pete in the beginning but he’s served his purpose so I don’t think any more support is necessary. Warren and Sanders are advancing causes outside of just them possibly winning the presidency so continued support is prudent. Biden is Biden so I’ll let others handle that if they they want.

No one else is worth supporting financially.

You're an idiot. Glad you climbed out of the woodwork to affirm it.
oh what a pompous douchefag. it's instantly known as soon as someone ends an argument by calling someone "sport".