[Feedback] Vehicle controls


Veteran X
Forgive me if this has been posted before and already fixed. I searched and didn't find any other feedback threads that seemed to cover this.

I'm also not really sure if this is a bug, or a feature. However, when you drive vehicles (or at least the rover, not certain about the tank or the fliers) backwards, they drive in the opposite direction they should drive in. Forward + Left moves you in the same arc as Backward + Right does, etc.

Also, it's a pain in the ass a lot of times to get in the driver's seat of whatever multi-seat vehicle you're trying to man, especially if you're in any hurry at all. Is there any way that players can get a keybind to change seats while inside vehicles?

I really do love the favs/inventory system in T:V, but I have a few small suggestions here, too. First, the one thing I miss from my Stripped favs in T1 is the default loadout (Actually Stripped favs, set any loadout you selected to be auto-bought whenever you returned to an inventory station. I think a bind or a way to set a single loadout as default without always setting a loadout to default would work better, though.).

Secondly, and this is gonna sound extremely nitpicky, but the active inventory station areas seem too small to me. A lot of times I can fly in and bounce off the station, having pushed my quickfavs bind once or twice but without actually buying anything.

Finally, I've noticed on Cavern and Isle (to a lesser extent) that one or two of the spawns are further away from the inventories than others. It's not like any of the notorious T1 spawns that were closer to the enemy base than your own; but, I have quickly gotten used to spawning within sight distance of inventory stations and having one spawn further away seems odd to me.

Again, apologies if any or all of these have been posted before. (I'm going to shamelessly plug my other feedback thread, since nobody responded to it because I posted it early in the morning: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7001559 )


For the kill message chat, I used to frequently check my chat (I never liked splitmsg in T1. Didn't care for the icons, I recognized death messages faster and prefered to check only one place for events rather than two.) to see if I had somehow missed some recent important event. With the kill messages disappearing as fast as they do, it's hard for me to check if I just missed something because I was afk, or because I was busy doing something else ingame, or what. If nothing else, a longer timer for flag events would be very appreciated.

I would like to add that I think turrets should be able to be deployed from deployable inventories. I understand the reasoning behind the decision to not allow this, but as someone who spent most of his competitive career TFing, this (to me) severely limits the usefulness of deployable turrets, even in a support role.

I've stated before (although a long time ago) that I thought T1 deployable turrets were designed about as perfectly (offensively and defensively, as well as distances for interference, size and floor-only deployability) as they could be. I'm well aware that T:V is not T1, but I still feel that this design would be better.
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