[Feedback] Lack of modifier keys with keybinds


Veteran X
When I first started up T:V and went through the settings, I tried to rebind some keys to shift+bind or ctrl+bind, what have you and I couldn't. Is there any way that this can be implimented? I'm sure someone thinks it's a non-issue, but I (and a lot of people I know) prefer to have keybinds grouped closely together, or as a modifier key + some keys normally used in gameplay.

This was one of the features about Tribes I greatly appreciated, and sorely missed in practically every other game I've ever played.

Also, is there any chance that drop ball/flag can get its own separate keybind, as well as allowing players to switch to them as weapons and then throw them?
It's possible to do with Unreal engine games, but you need to do it by editing your user.ini file. I can't remember exactly how.
Oh man someone please figure this out. I can learn to work around it but I am so used to hitting ctrl+"another key" to do so many things. It lets me keep all my keys to one small area on the left side of the keyboard. I never had to pick up my hand to do anything other than leave the server.
I think that Shift + W/A/S/D are some of the most useful keybinds because they're so easy to press without moving any of your fingers. :)
T2/T1 had a set of requirements, I wish the New Dev team would have worked from these requirements and then simplified. It's stupid to see gui mistakes present in T:V but not in t2/t1.

the cntrl-<key> binds are one of the important ones that I wish they implemented

I'm guessing this game is headed for a 79% average on gamerankings.
Being able to use modifier keys should just be SOP for all games like this.
You CAN use them in Vengeance though...
My only real use for a modifier in T:V is for my suicide bind, bound to Ctrl+z, with just z as toggleBehindView, so that's the example I'll use. Leave off the quotes.
create a Ctrl_binds.txt file in your beta\program\bin folder. For me the text in here is "set input z suicide"
create a def_binds.txt file also in the bin folder. Mine reads "set input z toggleBehindView"
open user.ini and find Ctrl= and add "exec Ctrl_binds.txt|OnRelease exec def_binds.txt"

There are limitations though. You can't use complex binds this way. I originally had z set as toggleBehindView | onRelease toggleBehindView, which won't work with this method:\. Also, adding too many keys to the modifier could cause issues/Lag(I've not tried to).

Link to where I got this info= http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=408970&highlight=binds
(Get a Nostromo N52)
