Favorite C++ editor/compiler?


Veteran X
I'm getting into the c++ portion of the programming class I'm in, and they're having us edit things with notepad, and then making a .exe in a command line window using the g++ command and then running it. What we use is this: Readme file for CSCI 1300 Software Installation Package

I'm sure there's something better out there, but I'm not sure what I need to be looking for or how to use them. So, what is your favorite c++ editor to use?
visual studio

only masochistic linux nerds use emax or vi ;)

but notepad? i do believe your professor wants you to kill yourself.
You'll want either vim or emacs. I don't know anything about emacs, but I'll assume its similar to vim but with different shortcuts.

vim is a modal text editor, which means you have 2 modes of operation, command and text. Say you open up a text file. You are in command mode. You can't edit text while in this mode, but virtually every key press is a short cut. For example, pressing w moves the cursor word by word. j & k go line by line. :215 moves you to line 215. Once you learn some basic shortcuts, you can very quickly navigate where you need to go. Then you have a bunch of shortcuts to enter text which puts you into the edit mode. i means insert, a means append which is like insert but at the end of the word, r replaces one character, R keeps replaces until you hit ESC to go back to command mode. So if you take some time to learn it and you are going to do a lot of programming, something like vim or emacs is the best.

But at a minimum, you will want an editor that can at least format your code into something tabbed and color coded for easy readability, ie programmer's notepad or notepad++ or one of a billion others.
or you can just use arrow keys (or the mouse) in a gui editor and edit without switching any modes.

... yes, im turning this thread into a text editor war :D
Since I'm working with embedded systems right now I'm using Codewarrior which really isn't that bad. Debugging with it is really nice. If it didn't, programming these boards would be impossible, they're so god damn finicky.

emacs is nice because it forces you to be much more careful about what you do because you don't want to have to go through all that shit again. so i guess the code is more accurate the first time...
gVim is lovely, but it takes time to learn, and if you're learning C++ you already have enough on your plate.

I haven't done any programming in years, but IIRC I used to like PSPad (freeware). And Visual Studio is great if you can afford it. (I've just noticed that, strangely enough, I have both PSPad and Visual Studio installed on this box.)
Eh. :p:

I use Dev-C++ from Bloodshed.
Bloodshed Software - Dev-C++

Open source, decent editor. The compiler is a little slow but I don't have a lot to compare it to.
It's also hideously non-standard.

One of my 2nd semester generic programming classes taught us to use Dev-C++. Then in the 3rd semester we had a C++ class, and the first thing the profs said was to drop Dev-C++ in favor of anything, really.

But I suppose it's ok as long as you only use it to edit and not compile.
C And C derived languages are tools of the devil. And recursion, bah! In my day we coded in assembler. We didn't have recursion, and we liked it that way!