Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

Tried Consider Phlebas, the first book in the Culture series, based on a recommendation in this thread. Holy crap it's boring and the characters are utterly forgettable. I'm going back to all the unread Heinlein stuff I have.

They've been really hit or miss as far as stories go. There are some neat ideas in the series, but I don't know if I need to read anything beyond the 4-5 novels I've read so far. (Homosexual space communism)

I've been reading the Southern Reach Trilogy (Annihilation, Authority, Acceptance) and it is really different. The first novel was a quick read, but the second one is slower and still pretty good.

I am still waiting for that neck-bearded fuck to finish the third book in the Kingslayer trilogy.
newest from pierce brown, 4th book in red rising, leaving quite the impression on me. crazy good so far. levels better than any of the first 3, and i enjoyed all of em

bout 1/3 of the way thru
Finished Flowers for Algernon. Amazing book, should be a required read.

Read Edgedancer in preparation for Oathbringer. It was really quite good, and would definitely recommend reading it before Oathbringer.

It is in like 8th grade

Started oathbringer before I knew edgedancer existed :/
I definitely enjoyed Oathbringer, Sanderson sure knows how to pump those books out.

Check out Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames. It's his debut novel about a band of mercenaries that get back together 15-20 years after their glory days. The author does a great job of not taking himself too seriously, but still creates some very memorable characters. They might be old, fat, drunk, or clumsy; but they are still badasses.
who the hell doesn't read flowers for algernon in elementary or middle school

it's funny tho, I didn't realize til years later "oh it's a metaphor for getting old"

currently halfway through the once and future king, I thought sword in the stone was a little too kid-targeted (you kinda have to find animals really exciting) but queen of air and darkness was great
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oathbringer was too dour for me. alot of the book was setup, characters spinning their wheels to set up a bigger piece of the arc, and i'm ok with that if the writing is good or theres something in the scenes that are enjoyable. but i'm not sure what there is to enjoy about characters just continually failing and/or table setting. i also really didn't like any part of shallan's arc.

that said the highs in the final act/climax were as high as i've ever read and made the whole read worth it. the battles were intense and a couple emotional bombs even moreso

in terms of pure fun/enjoyment edgedancer beats everything i've read from sanderson