[Fallout 3] Storyline Question - SPOLIERS INSIDE (not tagged)


Veteran X

Sup TW, need a lil help...

I have returned to the Jefferson memorial after Tranquility Lane.

how do I turn on the flood controls in Project Purity? And get the water pumping again as your father asks you to do?
Okay, when I click on the pump it says I am not able to use this yet? Do i need to go to the "open grate to sift pump" first? It requires a key, where can I find that?
Just follow the green arrow on your compass. I'm not sure what step you're on but you're evidently getting ahead of yourself. And no, that grate unlocks after you use the valve so don't worry about it. Open the pipboy and go to the quests section under data. It should tell you what you need to do next.