External Hard Drive Problems


Veteran X
I have an external hard drive, Cavalry 400GB USB2.0 that I've owned for a short time (~5 Months).

Recently, in uTorrent, a few torrents have given the error "Error: Cyclic Redundancy Check". (All my torrents go the external drive) I checked uTorrent's website and it said this is due to a failing disk. Chkdsk gave me these "Windows has replaced bad clusters in file <a number> of name <path to file>".

To me, all signs point to failing drive. But, when I restarted, all my data is intact on the drive and seems to be accessible. The drive has never made any funny noises or anything. uTorrent was the first indication that there was even a problem.

Is there another explanation or do I RMA this drive?

Use a more thorough hard drive utility to check it for mechanical errors, read errors, write errors, and cache errors. Be sure to use the non-destructive versions of these diagnostics.
SeaTools was having trouble detecting my external drive so I grabbed a generic looking tool "hdtune". Seemed to do what I needed it to. Alas, using it's error checking, my drive appears to actually have some failing clusters/sectors.

Guess it's good I caught it early, it already has almost 3GB of damaged space.

Thanks for the help.