Excessive or Neccesary Force? You decide

uhh they were shooting him as he was driving away not while he was coming at the officer. total power trip by the officers, they think they can shoot people who try to flee?
Gotta go with excessive on this one... they were clearly pumped to take this guy down from the start.

The cop was beside the car out of danger when they unloaded on him. It was kind of close, but "kind of" doesn't cut it when you're about to kill someone.
Fleeing a police officer is not a capital offense

Resisting Arrest is not a capital offense

Possesion of Weapons and Drugs are not capital offenses

Using poor judgement is not a capital offense.

Assault on a police officer is not a capital offense.

Some County Mountie playing Judge Dredd should be.
Alert: someone is using common sense!

This post doesn't belong on TW.
Fleeing a police officer is not a capital offense

Resisting Arrest is not a capital offense

Possesion of Weapons and Drugs are not capital offenses

Using poor judgement is not a capital offense.

Assault on a police officer is not a capital offense.

Some County Mountie playing Judge Dredd should be.

murder isn't a capital offense in lots of states/countries, but id feel very justified in someone getting killed while trying to murder someone.

not saying the cops are right here, just that your argument sucks
Your thread title had me thinking this was a thread about deciding police officer's fates via text msg voting, like American Idol. That would be interesting. It'd probably be the biggest reality TV show since forever.
Necessary, and I'm usually against the cops. Doesn't matter if you're trying to run or run someone over, the car is a weapon. If I shoot warning shots to the side of a police officer they're still going shoot me dead. Sorry, vab, RIP.
I don't know who in their right mind would try to run from American policemen. It doesn't matter if you've stolen a candy bar or robbed a bank if you don't freeze you're going to get shot. A lot.
if i was in the cops position i would've shot too.

When you're in a quick situation like that its hard to always make the right decision. Maybe the guy really wasn't trying to hit the officer, but as far as im concerned he came close enough to hitting the cop to warrant an offensive reaction. From what it sounded like in the video he wasn't complying with the cops after the car was stopped, and by that time the officers felt threatened(with good reason) and took what could be viewed as excessive force...

Bottomline is the majority of cops aren't the power abusing excessive force using pricks they're sometimes made out to be. Most of these guys are good people with families who don't want to die during a routine stop. If you're in what you deem at the time to be a life or death situation, then you have to be willing to make a tough decision.

17 shots from a 9mm is like 3 seconds of solid firing, all while trying not to shit your pants

it's only sketchy when they reload and keep shooting

i agree.

i'm not saying i wouldn't have done the same thing. but in critiqueing the situation, it is my opinion that firing that many shots in a neighborhood at a moving target (while moving yourself) has a LOT of room for error.
My dad trained me how to shoot (he's a retired law enforcement officer).

Him and his buddy trained me (and my fiance), and did it the same way they do at work.

Here's what he told me:
"you fire when there is a threat to you, or other people. you fire to stop that threat, and fire until the threat is stopped. you stop firing once the threat has stopped. when you shoot, you aim for center mass".

so that answers your 'why the full clip' question - they fire until whatever the reason for them firing stops.

it answers your 'why head/chest' question - they aim for the chest, if they hit the head its not by design, but just part of the process.

in his words you 'never shoot to kill, never shoot to injur, never shoot to 'warn'. you shoot to stop an agressive act, and you always aim center mass'.

i'm sure some individuals have a different take, but that is how they are trained.

Yeah that's basically it.

You don't put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to kill/destroy whatever that weapon is pointed at. So in that sense, you always shoot to kill.
1) they recklessly shot in a bad environment (residential area) and used poor judgment
2) to anyone that claims pulling off in a motor vehicle with police officers outside on foot "ok as long as they avoid the po-po" you are fucking retarded. just more bullshit from people that sit at a desk all day with no idea what sort of dangers these people face on a daily basis.
if i was in the cops position i would've shot too.

When you're in a quick situation like that its hard to always make the right decision. Maybe the guy really wasn't trying to hit the officer, but as far as im concerned he came close enough to hitting the cop to warrant an offensive reaction. From what it sounded like in the video he wasn't complying with the cops after the car was stopped, and by that time the officers felt threatened(with good reason) and took what could be viewed as excessive force...

Bottomline is the majority of cops aren't the power abusing excessive force using pricks they're sometimes made out to be. Most of these guys are good people with families who don't want to die during a routine stop. If you're in what you deem at the time to be a life or death situation, then you have to be willing to make a tough decision.

I agree w/ paragraph one and two, but from my experience three is the complete opposite.
The Grand Jury acquitted them. I'm comfortable believing that a jury had all the necessary evidence.

You're just as much of an armchair lawyer, Pagy. You're not fooling anyone.