examples of companies in perfect competition?

i've taken all of 1 month of micro econ so far. i'm not claiming to be an expert. i'm also not swearing profusely and lumping all of TW together
i've taken all of 1 month of micro econ so far. i'm not claiming to be an expert. i'm also not swearing profusely and lumping all of TW together

Quote me where I said all of TW. I'm referring to everyone that has replied in this thread.
banks are in perfect competition, but I don't think this is what you are going for.

otherwise i would say agricultural products tend to be the most similar. maybe energy or internet service.

remember perfect competition requires identical products and no market power so the two firms in question have to be relatively small. Find two small-midsize banks or utilities companies would be my advice.
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Holy shit do you people have any idea what a "Perfectly Competitive" market is? God damn you people are stupid.

I am shocked it took so long for this post. It needs to be said again, you are all fucking retarded.

Please take some econ classes.

This explains so much about the complete idiocy that transpires in political threads that are even remotely related to economics.