
My name is Ari, and my last name is strikingly simliar to Ari's from the show, I have to wear a name tag at work that says my first and last name, and every few costomers mentions Ari Gold, arg, I work in Boston, so they all watch the show(its a big hit with the irish). I only watched 1.5 episodes, but I think its a good show from what I've seen.
But Jeremy Piven is the man
man I'm just watching this again for the second day in row...ari is the fucking man.
that scene where he punches the concrete column in the garage and starts screaming is priceless.

and with a third season already signed up for you just know he's gonna fuck up terrance big time (eventually)
i didnt even know about the show until last week.
netflix season 1. Watch entire season in 1 sitting.
HBO OnDemand all 20 episodes of season 2 the next day

i watched season 1 and 2 in two days. 2 sittings. this show is fucking incredible. it's almost as good as arrested development.