Electronic Cigarettes


Veteran X
Does anyone here use Electronic Cigarettes? thoughts & experiences thus far?

I've been trying to cut down on smoking cigarettes this past month as I would like to quit for good (again). I've been using e-cigs for around 2 weeks now, after smoking for 10+ years & I can already feel I'm breathing easier & my taste buds are starting to come back.

I'm hoping after one month or so of using e-cigs that I can convince my mother to try them, as she has been smoking for longer than I have.

I've started by using the Joye510 kit as it was recommended for new users to vaping(Joye510 Starter kit)

Links I have:

Wholesale & Retail Best E-smoking Supplier
Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
www.eastmall.net - Eastmall International Co.,Ltd
E-Cigarette Forum

I've only ordered from heavens-gifts so far & I'll be trying the JantyEGO once they have stock.
I know it's only 2010 but there is this feature called search. I know it's new Rayn just rolled it out last week.

I think it might be more useful than this post
I'll share my ecig story.

My New Years resolution was to quit smoking. I began using an e-cig about three or four days after I quit. When I first started using the e-cig I was using it a lot. That thing was pretty much permanently attached to my face. I was charging one battery while draining the other and then swapping them out every few hours. I kept it next to my desk, I took it in the car with me, I brought it to the bar.

Flash forward a month or so. I pretty much used it only when I had a craving, and it became less of a cigarette substitute, and more of a craving controller. Every now and then I would take a few pulls; whenever I felt like I needed a cigarette. I would still bring it with me, but I probably had to switch the battery out a few times a day, if even.

Today I barely use it. I probably use it on average a few times during the day, maybe? Sometimes I'll have a meal and be like damn I want a cigarette, or after some drinks I'll get a super bad craving. I find that the "HOLY FUCK I NEED A CIGARETTE" voice in my head has been dying out ever since I began using it, and whenever I hear it I just pull out my e-cig and its shuts right the fuck up.

I don't know if this will be the same for everyone, but it has been my experience. Honestly, I have to say using this thing to quit smoking was the best decision ever. It was so easy, I can't even believe it (Except the first week, that blew). Good luck, hope it works out for you.

The only advice I have is to stay away from the whole e-smoking community shit. Don't start trying out all kinds of weird mods and juices. If you use it as a tool to quit smoking, rather than as some weird communal cult activity you won't find yourself taping your e-cigarette to your mouth. I don't think the e-cig is dangerous, but I sure as fuck don't want to be using it for the rest of my life. My goal is to be free of all this shit by the two year mark. Nicotine is still highly addictive, when your cigarette cravings become more controllable, its time to start consciously curbing the use of your ecig. It's not that hard to do, if you just only use it when you're brain says "GO BUY CIGARETTES."
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i really can't believe this is somehow more healthy for you than regular smoking. the liquid you put in the e-cigs must contain so much crap
I tried em for a hot minute. I found that I actually started getting more addicted to nicotine because it was a quick fix whenever I wanted. So, there I was, smoking a couple cigarettes a day, smoking some e cigarette, and using snus.

I decided I wanted a clean break, so what I did was just start throwing in a snus instead of smoking on the way to/from work, then just cutting back my intake in general. It didn't take me long. I mean, there are times where I'm like "man, I'd love a smoke" but it's not often. I haven't had one in about 4 months now at least. Anyhow, I still snus, but only when I'm boozing on the weekend. Otherwise, I stay away.

....I will say it's nice that the things actually give me a buzz after I stick a couple in now.
i posted a bunch of links in the last thread about this how the cartridges are made in china and contain cancerous material and how the FDA hasn't been approached for approval but the ecig bandwagon came in and laughed when i said they weren't safe
I use blu E-cigs and they work wonders. I used to be a half pack a day and maybe a pack a day when i drink... I havent had a real cig in 3 months and i dont smoke these everyday. USUALLY only when I drink.
Do THC cartridges exist for E-Cigs, yet?

I don't smoke [anything], but I'm curious if anyone has figured out how to get THC with one of those things, odorless and whatnot... Get high without getting caught... That kinda thing.