'Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences

wat does that have 2 do w/ the price of gold on melmac?

1. That you said all those judges that ruled against Trump were terrible, and I was pointing out that no fewer than 11 of the 63, he appointed.

2. Alf sucked. The only episode worth watching was the very last one, where he was going to settle on another planet, but was captured by the Alien Task Force before of the U.S. military.
y can't they have bad judgment if trump appointed them? do u think he could get any non-deep-state-globalist-zog-democrat-al qaeda-chinese-approved nominees thru when the deep state is running deep enuff 2 steal an election from trump and prosecute him?

b/c i don't

i kno they're chinese nanobot judges and they got BAD JUDGMENT
idk vanster u cheer when ppl r imprisoned for life (by evil feds) b/c u didn't agree w/ their politics

u cheer when alf is imprisoned 4 life (by evil feds) b/c u didn't agree w/ the content of his tv show

i think u have major bux invested in the prison industrial complex

and i think we all can agree that those w/ whom we disagree belong in prison for life
1. That you said all those judges that ruled against Trump were terrible, and I was pointing out that no fewer than 11 of the 63, he appointed.

2. Alf sucked. The only episode worth watching was the very last one, where he was going to settle on another planet, but was captured by the Alien Task Force before of the U.S. military.

its great you like prisons and having people being put in prison for free speech u dont like

but seem to be prison averse for your own crimes for alcoholism and beating women

All you have to do to prove stolen elections
Is ask if people think Hunter's laptop is still Russian Disinformation
Tell them the date the FBI had it in their hands
that's all idiots
I have so many "Rep" replies from Severed from 2020




It gets funnier as time passes.
My mistake for thinking we had decent National Intelligence Agencies and Department of Justice. ves to bring your hopes up
Why don't they just dump the laptop online?
They still have it right?

The one and only original laptop is with the FBI. Hold your breath while we wait for them to dump the contents. I wonder what would happen if copies were dumped... You know the hard drive with possible child pornography on it and human trafficking.

It's probably lost by now and no one knows where it is, just like that second JFK tape that nobody knows where the original is now...

Which brings me to my main point
Obvious cover-ups are obvious; stop waiting for more proof
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Yes uno
You got it
It was a parody of an election.

..Specifically, on October 14th, 17th, and 18th, secret testing took place on these tabulators after the legally required Logic & Accuracy test had already been conducted. According to Team Kari, out of a total of 446 tabulators, a significant number of 260 failed during this secret testing phase. Despite these failures, these same tabulators were still used on election day, where an alarming 59% of them failed. ...
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