'Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences

I'm not sure Greg Abbott is going to be allowed to continue to roll like that. People aren't going to believe him now when he tells them they are going to a resort or whatever-- he's going to have to jump up, take a stand, and tell the truth. He's going to have to take things step by step now-- I'm not saying he should be pushed around-- but I don't see him jumping for joy any time soon.

What kind of genuine frontier gibberish is this?
I'm not sure Greg Abbott is going to be allowed to continue to roll like that. People aren't going to believe him now when he tells them they are going to a resort or whatever-- he's going to have to jump up, take a stand, and tell the truth. He's going to have to take things step by step now-- I'm not saying he should be pushed around-- but I don't see him jumping for joy any time soon.


just like a typical tolerant libtard commie to make fun of someone on the opposite party side for their wheelchair/disability.

you're a true piece of shit, Tonto.
No. Stay on topic.
The guy in the video literally says "it can't be proven" and then goes on to say "we know" this and that.
You don't notice because you're not being critical of your own team.

I'll keep pushing on the Hunter Laptop coordinated FEDMSM globalist suppression that influenced the election fraudulently... but,

and I'll have to go back to watch that part to refresh what you're on about,
But my first thought about "it can't be proven" is to ask: Why can't, in a clean legit election,
Why can't we prove whether it's, welllz, a clean legit election?
Prove to me there's no fraud in our elections.
you're a true piece of shit, Tonto.

gandalf the creationist

the bible says you should be housing immigrants

your posts aren't very Christian

They aren't Christ-like, certainly. But they are very Christian. Modern American Christians are as bloodthirsty as any tribal Muslim.
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
yeah but that god didn't have to hear spanish at the grocery store he doesn't know our struggles
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
That is from the 3rd Jew book.

Not Christian but Jewish.
That is from the 3rd Jew book.

Not Christian but Jewish.

There's even more from the new testament

Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the friends, even though they are strangers to you; they have testified to your love before the church. You do well to send them on in a manner worthy of God; for they began their journey for the sake of Christ, accepting no support from non-believers. Therefore we ought to support such people, so that they may become co-workers with the truth.
3 John 1:5
They aren't Christ-like, certainly. But they are very Christian. Modern American Christians are as bloodthirsty as any tribal Muslim.

Yeah, what have you done, twat, to help anyone but pay alimony to your three ex wives?
I'll keep pushing on the Hunter Laptop coordinated FEDMSM globalist suppression that influenced the election fraudulently... but,

and I'll have to go back to watch that part to refresh what you're on about,
But my first thought about "it can't be proven" is to ask: Why can't, in a clean legit election,
Why can't we prove whether it's, welllz, a clean legit election?
Prove to me there's no fraud in our elections.

Push the laptop all you want, I'm just trying to stick to the topic that you brought up.

You're now into "prove a negative" territory (and still off topic).

All of your concerns have been addressed in things like the Georgia report, but you don't want to here it.

just like a typical tolerant libtard commie to make fun of someone on the opposite party side for their wheelchair/disability.

you're a true piece of shit, Tonto.

Lol, last elections you were doing the same to fetterman