[education] stupid america

You really think the teachers are the problem?

Even in the advanced courses, very few students ever give a shit
schools waste huge amounts of money. many parents suck ass and don't make their kids accountable or care about school. and many kids are fucking retards and don't try at all.
Well thank god I go to a 7-5 prep school and must complete all six hours of my homework or risk suspension.

Those fuckers.
schools waste huge amounts of money. many parents suck ass and don't make their kids accountable or care about school. and many kids are fucking retards and don't try at all.

Agreed. To that, I would add that there are many teachers that sit back and don't really teach. Once they get their discipline problems handled (if they can), many of them sit back. American teachers don't get fired for being poor teachers; they get fired for not having effective discipline. Just my $.02

(former teacher, 7 years math/science 11th-12th)
Get the government out of schools. Education should be a private enterprise. Government schooling is/was a tool of the communists that has infiltrated the public society.
surprising numbers game with the money. Even my district whines about money.

They get about 22million for my high school. roughly 200 in faculty/staff at an average salary of 50k leaves 12 million for operating costs. i think I'll vote no to the next give me money bill.
Isn't the curriculum made up by the school? The teacher teaches said curriculum, tests are given.

I don't see how a school fails at teaching children. Seems to me, children fail at learning. Perhaps because parents don't get involved with their child's education?

I thought my education was pretty sound. I don't have any doubts my child will be educated in the same way, if not better.
Get the government out of schools. Education should be a private enterprise. Government schooling is/was a tool of the communists that has infiltrated the public society.
It wasn't a tool of the communits. It was a tool of the capitalists and the industrials. A lot of industrial equipment is rather complex to operate, so they made instructions for them, and it's a lot easier to just have instructions printed on the machine or put in a book than to have everyone coming to the guy who knows how it works all the time.
I went to a Hougton Mifflin (publisher) Science inservice a couple days ago. HM had to pay a former teacher millions because they used "her" patented idea for something she calls "Foldables". Foldables are something most every teacher knows how to do but never thought anyone would patent it... folding paper in various ways for diagrams, layouts... it's a crime how much money is spent on stupid curriculums and publishers... I just thought it was one more example of laughable shit tax payers have to pay for. The real crime is how much money is spent on development and textbooks that are shit.... the money publishers and so called experts (endless bullshit inservices) that dept of eds spend money on is a crime.
Public Education is supposed to be the big leveler. Even a child that comes from poverty gets an "equal" education... but I have to face it. If you come from a high economic area school then they just do endless fundraisers and get huge money for their schools... poor district? ha, try getting parents to even join the pta. i give up ... but not quite. oh wellz, I just sent home a poor little girl from a huge family because she was infested with lice... no way the family couldn't know ... poor little girl... her brother, in my class, who was held back in kindergarten because he was so low, (two years of kinder!!! and now in first) knows 7 consonant sounds...ya, blame the teachers, right. I don't care how much money you throw at that kid, he is not learning up to par.

Yes, rambling and contrariness up the ass... there are no easy answers... money matters, but then again it doesn't.
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It wasn't a tool of the communits. It was a tool of the capitalists and the industrials. A lot of industrial equipment is rather complex to operate, so they made instructions for them, and it's a lot easier to just have instructions printed on the machine or put in a book than to have everyone coming to the guy who knows how it works all the time.

Obviously, you went to public schools.
Isn't the curriculum made up by the school? The teacher teaches said curriculum, tests are given.

I don't see how a school fails at teaching children. Seems to me, children fail at learning. Perhaps because parents don't get involved with their child's education?

I thought my education was pretty sound. I don't have any doubts my child will be educated in the same way, if not better.

I had damn near a 4.0 in highschool and i was bored 50% of the time and playing calculator games the other 50% of the time. Now that I am almost done with college I'm wishing they wouldn't have wasted so much of my time and packed way more in to the curriculum and gave me a better foundation for college.

That being said I learned the curriculum and am going to finish a double major in 4 years so I guess they did enough.
Wow, what a shocking realization.
American children are dumb, fat and fail to put forth any real effort.
Seems like a system wide failure.
Oh, and everyone other than Americans already knew y'all were retarded, but because you are slow it took you longer to figure it out.