Eastern Oaklahoma is Native American land -SCOTUS

seems pretty cut and dry to me
Except that it hasn't been for a long time. Living on a property that you didn't own under some weird technicality for decades affords you that piece of property. Time matters.

A state should be able to enforce its [legal] laws. Now, if you're on the "reserve" and you commit a crime, it has to be a federal one and then bid-daddy federal government has to step in and wasteful. That's fairly egregious.

I'm sure OK will be fine, but it sure creates a shitstorm of bureaucracy and redtape for simple crimes. Also, they aren't the only two who will have their crimes overturned. I imagine that everyone since the treaty will have them overturned. That's insane.

I could see how a leftist would immediately cheer at this insane idea though. In the end, you're cheering that a child rapist got his conviction overturned and might have a chance of going free. Friends of a feather, right Goshin? :lol: Where's Amadeus now? I wonder which side he'll agree with.
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Interesting how neatly this decision went down partisan lines.

The liberals on one side, the conservatives on the other. With the exception of Gorsuch.

I can see why there is so much effort put into "getting more players on your team".
Gorsuch's reasoning makes sense and is valid. The leftists, however, only voted that way to spite white people, per usual.

OK/Congress will now have to fix the problem, which of course won't happen.

This time it's purely interpretation, but they clearly ADDED criteria to the LGBT discrimination/firing case. It's not consistent from Gorsuch.
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