[e-peen]Profiles linkage.


Still a few holes in my gear to patch (most glaringly my rings, which have always been the weakest part of my gear), but for the most part I'm immensely satisfied with what I have, given that I took practically half a year off from the game and knew next to nothing about it when I came back. Still need to farm myself an HoJ someday (unlikely, given that I mostly log on to raid and to farm stuff to finance my repair bills), and I still need to get an enchant on my gauntlets (which is simple laziness on my part).

Unfortunately, I don't forsee myself getting a DPS-friendly breastplate anytime soon, given that my guild rarely does ZG anymore (Vindicator's isn't a DPS chest by any stretch, but it's more aggressive than Might chest) and Rank 14 will never happen for me. (Hell, I doubt I'll ever even get to high enough rank for Knight-Captain's chest. I'm not l33t enough to hang with the honor-farming groups, so I generally don't bother trying to get into BG groups anymore.)

Nothing earth-shattering, but compared with my starting level 60 gear of almost all Imperial Plate and a green 2-hander from the AH, I've come a long way, baby.
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