durak quit being a pussy


I traded my soul for this title
Veteran XV
and ignoring me

you live 25 mins from me and i know you dont know anyone in raleigh

y dont u wanna chill
he wont even respond

quit being a bitch

buize: go fuck yourself immigrant
sorry but you are a loser for wanting to hang out with durak

i've got nothing against the guy, but as far as interesting want-to-hang-out-with persona goes i'm with synth
wah im durak i live in shitty raleigh and dont know anyone in raleigh so i spend my weekends in my shitty apartment with my shitty girlfriend and wont respond to my good friend veor who lives 25 minutes away

he's about 1 bj away from marrying the first girl that fucked him but thats only after he buys her everything she has wanted since she was 16. no further proof is required.
Pretty sure a black hole would spawn from the sheer uncoolness of veor and Durak being in the same room.