Drunken Old Farts of 5 years in Tribes fame


Veteran XX
Five years ago [dof] saw the first daylight. The light was bright. We were born to last. There was no doubt for that. And that was the only goal we had. Now after these years of everlasting warfare in Tribes 1, Tribes 2 and Battlefield 1942 - I can say that we have still kept our main goal. And we have kept it well. Good spirit, sportsmanship and fair discipline has kept us alive.


We are a pure Finnish team. Some of you don't know us, some of you might have heard of us, some might even know us (heard about our movies; tmotkt, Crash Boom Bang, Descentants, dofmies or maybe visited our t1, t2 and bf1942 servers or seen the OOB comics and what not). Excatly 5 years ago 2 friends (moog and me) came from a bar (drunk) talking about this new cool game and suddenly [dof] was born. And we still fooking kick it strong - never been inactive, never been on a break...

So February 1st 2004, [dof]'s 5th anniversary :)

I'll drink to that...

Wren said:

don't ever really remember playin with or against ya but i'll drink to 5 years

Some of us played in EuroKuntz in OGL and TWL back in the days. Maybe we met back then on the field? :)
dude on the left looks kinda like beavisnuke and the other guy looks like he should be in A Flock of Seagulls

no offense

though i don't see how that could possibly NOT offend you :f


advisory, that's the point :sunny:
VuP is about 7 years old now, still active in games all around. We've slipped in and out of activity however, but we're still here.
We started as newbloods. Zero experience in any online gaming. recruited newbies, taking the long route. I'm proud of this :)