[drama] loop i am calling you out

Diablo Escobar

Veteran XX
In that shitty atheism thread, you said:

i avoid platitudes, personally. I ask if there's anything I can do to help, and then follow through with it. I'll bring flowers or whatnot, try to make their stay more comfortable.

When someone says "please keep blahblah in your prayers" or "please pray for me" or whatever, I don't sit there and lecture them about god - I simply say okay or whatever. They need comfort, not lessons.

There's a simple credo that a lot of atheists follow in these situations - "don't be an asshole". That's about what it all boils down to. It's NOT about you and your beliefs, (or lack of) bud. :)


religious people and their persecution complex (or "chill the **** out") by loop - TribalWar Forums

loop said:
We're sitting on the deck having had a few beers later in the evening, and the topic of religion comes up. Now, it's pretty well-known that I'm an atheist in the family and have no patience for religion in general

loop said:
"Look, your beliefs in god work for you. I don't need them because I see no point or purpose to them and my kids have never had a need for deities either."

what do you say about that you liar and/or hypocrite?

oh yeah old school callout thread
we should round out the top 10

- kingky begging for money so his wife could keep wearing nice shoes (and people actually giving it to him)
- coolguy traveling 500+ miles to see LoD and her not answering the phone when he arrived

i'm about to go out for dinner i'll try to think of more when i get back but those are my top 2 right now

- bounty canceling christmas for his kids
- 5150 'quitting the forum' because of t-refried
we should round out the top 10

- kingky begging for money so his wife could keep wearing nice shoes (and people actually giving it to him)
- coolguy traveling 500+ miles to see LoD and her not answering the phone when he arrived

i'm about to go out for dinner i'll try to think of more when i get back but those are my top 2 right now

- bounty canceling christmas for his kids
- 5150 'quitting the forum' because of t-refried

How about triple quitting the red sox because someone cut him in line for tickets after appropriately recognizing he is a bitch who would do nothing