dont you just love catching a hypocrite in a lie

the only reason mav's losing weight is because he's burning off the calories from all the yapping ;)
SarcaStick said:
shut up man. seriously, just shut up.

What? It's true dude. He keeps making remarks about all these people threatening him, and how he would sooo sue the pants off anybody that touched him. But I'd like to see Mav at a lan (like UVA6) and provoke somebody. Guarnteed somebody would lay his ass out.
let's not push mav any further. he's gonna seriously pull a columbine part 2 except he wont be the same scrawny killers but one fat killer.
TehSurGe said:
What? It's true dude. He keeps making remarks about all these people threatening him, and how he would sooo sue the pants off anybody that touched him. But I'd like to see Mav at a lan (like UVA6) and provoke somebody. Guarnteed somebody would lay his ass out.
he wouldnt provoke anyone. you know it and so do i.
Oh the irony... I was just listening to Bounty's "DRAMA" song he posted the other day in Taxi's thread.

Then I clicked this thread.

yea surge, that aint gonna happen

if i went to a uva, assuming i could get cheater to sell me a ticket, you know people would start shit

IRL, i never start shit with people, unlike alot of assholes around here. but you damn well know id never get a moments peace, i could try sitting down on my three chairs to play some tribes and end up with revolving idiots from the forums every few minutes walking over, making some stupid comment or whatever

and yea, to those saying "thats not how uva is, you dont know wtf you're talking about" you're right, theres always a possibility that aint how it is, nothing is impossible. but thats not what i think, i think other wise. id never waste money to drive all the way up to VA, take time off school, just so someone i dont know from the internet of all things can call me fat to my face. i can stay at home, for free, not miss any classes, and get called fat just the same
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
MeSlayer said:
wh ythe fuck do you make fun of yourself to be funny, its fucking disturbing to see someone sell themselves out like you do
SarcaStick said:
he wouldnt provoke anyone. you know it and so do i.

thats the huge difference sarc

online, in forums, in irc, i very rarely seek someone out to start shit with them. 99% of the time i can be reading a thread, say the thread on page 1 currently about what game cube games to buy. i can make a reply, giving a reply and boom you got at least one perosn making some half ass comment

same thing would happen at a lan. id get caught into some conversation, i didnt want to have in the first place, when someone says something to me FIRST. thats what i was bitching about with aznboy yesterday. itd do me no good to catch a beating and sue, if i provoked it in the first place. no chance to win that. but if someone startd shit with me first, and i just let it go walk away THEN they still start shit, thats what im talking about.
You started the conversation today Krispy Kreme, I didn't.

All I did was join a channel, and leave a channel, if I remember that is not a crime, nor is any kind of provoking action.

It's over, its drama, stfu.
Mav said:
thats the huge difference sarc

online, in forums, in irc, i very rarely seek someone out to start shit with them. 99% of the time i can be reading a thread, say the thread on page 1 currently about what game cube games to buy. i can make a reply, giving a reply and boom you got at least one perosn making some half ass comment

same thing would happen at a lan. id get caught into some conversation, i didnt want to have in the first place, when someone says something to me FIRST. thats what i was bitching about with aznboy yesterday. itd do me no good to catch a beating and sue, if i provoked it in the first place. no chance to win that. but if someone startd shit with me first, and i just let it go walk away THEN they still start shit, thats what im talking about.
1. based on what you just wrote, you wouldn't be the one provoking anything.
2. people aren't the same in person.
3. this is tw, so you should expect the idiocy non-stop 24/7
4. you would have to make the lan anyways. that's highly doubtful.
5. if all of the above somehow come true(and all planets in solar system line up in line on the same day) just tell tom/mark and they will be given 2 choices. a. stay the fuck away or b. ejected from lan.
mav, man..

you seriously need to take a step back and re-evaulate your life.

fuck dude, the fucked up rhetoric you spout off on TW just.. wow..

*now you'll post about how you just post to get people riled up and that you admit your shortcomings and aren't perfect etc etc etc*

see I saved you time, now turn off the computer, go outside, and fucking sit there and think about your life or something.

jesus h christ
SarcaStick said:
5. if all of the above somehow come true(and all planets in solar system line up in line on the same day) just tell tom/mark and they will be given 2 choices. a. stay the fuck away or b. ejected from lan.

it would actually be

5. if that were all true and happened just tell tom/mark and a. they just laugh and do nothing

why, ive never been on eithers good side, never will be

i wanted to go to uva4, had the money and everything. cheater wasnt too sure he wanted me to attend. i said ok fine, your lan your call i wont question it. just a fact of life you accept and move on with. its just a lan