Look another character I can judge by the company he keeps and the women he gets herpes from
well looky here, another herpes fag that doesn't come around unless he hears "good" news about his trump derangement syndrome case, just like sebastian(shartshooter). surprise surprise lmao
He's not going to jail, as white folk with money don't go to jail. Marth Stewart did and it was world wide news. It will be funny if he has to do the debates with an ankle collar on though.

I'm told he posted on Truth Social no fewer than 43 times on Friday.
How many of those had correct grammar and spelling?

I've only read one, and it was rife with fuckups. Some could be attributed to typographical errors that occur on a touchscreen-- especially when the author is under a lot of stress-- but not all. The man reads and writes on a level comparable to Juggernaut.
He's not going to jail, as white folk with money don't go to jail. Marth Stewart did and it was world wide news. It will be funny if he has to do the debates with an ankle collar on though.

I'm told he posted on Truth Social no fewer than 43 times on Friday.

I unfortunately agree. Martha Stewart was an outlier, still shocked she got jail time. She really never tried to avoid it though, no real court battle at all.

“Truth Social” lol.
She wasn’t in the super wealthy a long time crowd like Clinton’s and Trumps. Flash in the pan fraudsters do usually get jail time.
She wasn’t in the super wealthy a long time crowd like Clinton’s and Trumps. Flash in the pan fraudsters do usually get jail time.

So Tuesday... this time there really will be a "perpetrator" walk, fingerprinting, mug shot, and gaggle of press around him?

Sounds like fun.

I do notice the relative quiet from Lindsey Graham, Marjorie Taylor Greene, JD Vance, Tuberville and the rest. Have you guys read the indictment yet? It's very dumbed down and a quick read:

Read the full Trump indictment on mishandling of classified documents | PBS NewsHour

So now it's not just that he knowingly mishandled documents, Trump knowingly obstructed the investigation. He instructed his attorneys to lie and holy crap no wonder they are quitting/getting fired. He is on record telling his lawyers to obstruct. 1-31 is willful retention of defense information, and then 32-37 conspiracy to obstruct justice.

I'm having an enormous fuss in my head about why you gave the Clintons an apostrophe, but not the Trumps.