Does anybody know how to Mod Medieval:Total war?


Veteran X
Or how to alter mods? After reading some of the threads here, I decided to try out the MedMod and for the most part it's great, only there's a few balancing tweaks I'd like to make. Namely the complete crappiness of the HRE, the überness of the Italians, French and Swedes, and a little increase in Egypts power. The author was really looking to make the game as historically accurate as he could, but because he didn't mod in starting alliances and wars, it ended up completely screwing with the balance of the game. I think that by just messing with it a little bit it'd balance out much better and make for a funner game. Anybody here know how to mod the game? Is it easy or overly complex? Is there anyway to just tweak his mod files a bit? Or would I have to start from scratch with my own?

Basically these are the changes I'd make:

With the HRE I'd really like to beef up their starting defences and increase the income in one or two key HRE states. As it is, every single game I've played so far (~20) the HRE is completely wiped out by 1130, which is, IMO, way too early for a major nation like the HRE to be destroyed.

I think the the main reason the HRE goes down so fast is becaue it's always attacked in the beginning by 3 different civs, usually France Italy and Hungary. Prior to the mod this usually wasn't a problem, France usually fought England, Italy was almost always fighting a war with Hungary and Sicily, and Hungary couldn't get to far into Germany due to it's war with Italy. It all balanced out with the HRE's general weakness in the Early age. But now that the mod really beefed up France and Italy (the mod maker must be Italian, because now the Italian civ is one of if not the strongest civs in the game) the HRE pretty much gets wiped out within the first few turns, especially now that Italy seems to have a serious aversion to fighting Sicily, the Papacy and Hungary. So now it always launches an attack vs. the HRE, and with the HRE having been given few upgrades, the super Italians end up owning the entire southern half of the HRE within 10-15 turns.

I'd also like to give Denmark a bit of a boost, and reduce somewhat the bonus's Novgorod and Sweeden are given. Sweeden is now one of the super civ's in the game. it always ends up taking over the entire Norther part of Europe (all the old Novgorod states) and then it usually goes on to Dominate whats left of the HRE and eventually Denmark. All the while Denmark is left with it's crappy units and crappy starting area so it never even has a chance to expand. I think by gimping Sweeden a little, and by helping out the Danes, those two will end up balancing out eachother. Novgorod on the otherhand, I'd just decrese the income in some of their states, they end up creating massive armies that roll over everything in the East way too easily.

Egypt I'd like to give a few more starting units so they at least have something of a chance vs. the Turks.

And finally I'd like to allow England the ability to build the men at arms and seargent lines of troops. It's complete BS that England is forced to use frydmen and clansmen/gallowglaich (gallowglasses with a new name) all the way into the late period. I play as the English almost exclusively now (beat the game as all the other civ's already) and I like how he shifted the focus for the English more towards the sea and trade, but I really hate how we can't build even the most basic troops, and are instead forced to rely on our weaker "special" units.
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About Holy Roman Empire, I think it has always been screwed, almost every singleplayer game I've played has led to its early destruction, unmodded.

As for the modding, perhaps can help you out. Atleast they have links to modding sites.
ya, check as dynis suggested.. they have a tutorial on how to do it actually (in the files section)

failing that, there's always the modding forum.