[doc] Vietnam Veteran left behind for 44 years

um, after a certain time, they choose to stay behind man. the wall fell a long time ago.

its not like hes been in prison
I feel like after things settled down it wouldn't have been that difficult for him to get home. Guy was probably just getting all the cheap Vietnamese pussy he could and his family finally found him so he is like, "Oh shit, I uh, I was trapped."
You could read the whole article if you wanted to.

But you're right, he didn't want to come back to the US, and his brain is kind of broken due to the torture.

His family didn't find him, they were told he was dead.
a lot of vets were tortured and generally went through crazy shit

they all seemed to make it back with varying degrees of success

getting tortured for a year, marrying your nurse and having a bunch of vietnamese kids doesn't sound all that tragic in terms of being "trapped" for 40 years

this is just some shit doc by a shit canadian filmmaker nobody's ever heard of who is only getting recognition by the media because any canadian filmmaker is considered steven spielberg as long as he's canadian
The only person that said trapped was Jodo.

I thought this was interesting:

The filmmaker came up against enough roadblocks from the military in the making of Unclaimed — especially when it came to contacting Robertson’s family — to be convinced that, as one high-placed government source told him, “It’s not that the Vietnamese won’t let him (Robertson) go; it’s that our government doesn’t want him.”
"left behind for 44 years" sounds like it wasn't his fault

makes him sound like a victim

when in reality he was like nope just gonna stay here and a bang a vietnamese nurse and plop out some chinky children
I think he was more like 'Ow my brain', and 'Who am I?'

But I haven't seen the film, so I have no idea, that's just the impression I got from the article.
further down the article:

Onscreen, Robertson appears fretful and forgetful and clearly suffering from dementia. He has evidence of wounds and likely suffered debilitating brain injuries. Unravelling his story was a slow process.

The dementia probably came later, but the brain injury stuff could have happened in the helicopter crash, or during his captivity.
dude is like 70-80 years old and lives in fucking vietnam

of course he has dementia

nothing to do with his vietnam war experience

you try living in a 3rd world country until you're 80 and see if your brain doesn't give out at some point
Robertson says he was confined to a bamboo cage in the jungle by North Vietnamese captors and, accused of being a CIA spy, was tortured for a year. Confused and badly injured, he was released and married the Vietnamese nurse who helped care for him. He assumed the name of her dead husband. They had children.

I was so confused I married this chick that I banged and changed my name.....while never forgetting about my family back home and thinking of them every day.


I will also agree that Pho is delicious.