Do you watch It's A Wonderful Life around this time of year?


Veteran XX
And if so, do you side with the scurvy spider or old mossback George Bailey?
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I haven't watched that for almost five years.

There's an It's a Wonderful Life Channel, you know.
who would you prefer to bang? Mary or Violet?


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Watched it (well most of it). Still need to watch A Christmas Story :)

But the worst - Charlie Brown Christmas....
I've never seen It's a Wonderful Life. I think Christmas Vacation is my traditional xmas movie that I watch every year. I usually catch a christmas story each year too.
SNL alternate ending is one of my favorite comedy sketches ever. It really sucks that Phil Hartman is dead.

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I have 2 holiday traditions (other than bowl games). One is I watch Christmas Vacation. Two is I play and beat the original The Legend of Zelda.

I started the Zelda one about 9 years ago and have been doing it ever since.