Do you believe in Alien Abductions?

Do you believe in Alien Abductions?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 32.4%
  • No

    Votes: 38 55.9%
  • What is an Alien Abduction?

    Votes: 8 11.8%

  • Total voters
i really enjoyed the op quote about ther being evidence for abductions and hybrids.

its great to see what the standard of "evidence" is to some crackpot conspiratards like nash is.
togo would be pretty shoddy quality for an advanced lifeform to be responsible for creating

also shut the fuck up anubis
i cant wait for the majority of people who don't believe in aliens to be blown away when the proof is brought to their attention and it becomes part of every day life.
I believe anonymous alien entities inadvertently seeded Life on Earth, through no fault or intention, billions of years ago. Ancient humanity deified them, but they never came back. SRS
dude alien bases bro... if you have bases you need scientists, then you need abductions.. Otherwise its fucking boring at work.
Amazing. Ever since cellphones showed up with fucking cameras on them those ET bastards stopped kidnapping us.
I like this theory.
While people are sleeping they are activating the gland that produces the chemical DMT in the brain. The effects of DMT will leave you thinking that you fucking talked to aliens... and maybe they did...
"Aliens could land on the white house lawn at this very moment. However, DMT would still be the most bizarre thing on this planet."
I believe anonymous alien entities inadvertently seeded Life on Earth, through no fault or intention, billions of years ago. Ancient humanity deified them, but they never came back. SRS

Damn bro, you been watching too much Prometheus.

~back to my studies~
Do explain

well, i've seen weird shits happening in the skies.. I always say "why wont you take 10 minutes in you balcany to have a cig and just stare at the stars...? you will eventually see some cool stuff. UFOs might be the case sometime..

In my country I've see really weird shits. The must fucked was this yellow/white sphere things flying high speed one by one in the same direction.. I was walking by the beach and those bitches were ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP till the horizon.. Really fucking fast man.... Can't even be human.. it's impossible.....

that was 3 years ago..

2 years ago i've seen a crazy shit in sky, really high, maybe up from the atmosphere.. like little things by the size of a random star (in terms of visual measures) crossing from place to place.. like, many of them. and some of them fired somekind of pulse.. or something.. you have seen white flashes and they speeded up.. it was so fucking crazy I started screaming "WOOOW" and called my friends and they also saw it.. One of them said by cell phone "dude... it's like fucking star wars!!!!"

2 months ago, here in Swiss, I saw this weird straight light in the sky.. at first my eyes crossed it and didnt pay attention (due to the many light polution). but a few seconds after my brain just clicked, and I looked. That wasnt a fucking street lamp..... I ran to pick my binoculars, went back to the balcony and stared that shit. It was so... fucking... scary.... and huge...... Im even I'm shivering at this moment just by remember to write it down.. I saw this typical ufo... you know?.. with little scares all around emitting blue/white light from each.. and I could really notice the shape of that machine.. And it stood in the same place for like 20 minutes.. then it start flying slowly.. it was a raining night.. so that thing was bellow the clouds. Someone else should have seen it...... the following day I searched and didn't found any report on local media or online..

Of course these could all be human activity.. military?.. But if you admit so, you have to believe that the military have really super technology. Believe... So if you can believe in such thing, you can also believe in other stuff.. The fact is there. You don't know.. so you believe.. And I believe that I saw was not from earth. I don't believe we have such technologies to make things exactly the same as I saw...

Also, I've made a few threads in TW reporting these events :p in case I die, my knowledge keeps on livings lol

and that's all.. I usually repress these shits.. but wont ever forget..

and to be honest, there are more important things to worry about. like neoliberalism and how fucked europe is.
always reach for binoculars, not cameras

One day Ill buy a fucking camera that can take pictures of the moon without turning the moon into a blur of white... See, I'm 25, and I just got my first job. give me a few more years. I first need a house.. and a car. and some fucking vacations to Italy :lol:

one of those cameras costs as much as an alienware pc. and I also want a new pc first... so yeah.. till there, ill use binoculars only ;)