DIY Experts: Stained Floors


Veteran XX

These floors stain like this from literally the smallest amount of water in an instant. It just sucks it up like a sponge.

1. How can I get this stain out?

2. How do I prevent this from happening?

There are tons of things like teak oil that you can apply to the wood that will give it some finish and protection
You will most likely need to sand those out.
Oil-based polyurethane for floors should go a long way at protecting it from staining should water/liquids spill on it.

However, your best bet is to watch some videos on the JewTube. Shit like:

I am currently in the long and seemingly never-ending process of giving my garage a makeover. I have a staircase that goes from the people door to the concrete slab that had 70+ years of paint on it that, initially, I was just going to demo and build a new staircase. However, I decided to sand the 70+ years of paint off the wood and discovered that it was awesome wood, so I refinished it. For the treads and the landing, I used the poly I linked above. It is very durable, and I have walked on it several times with wet shoes and nada. No stains etc.
Also, you might be able to get better products than I can. Seeing as how I live in Cali where progressive white women buy into manmade global-whatever, they have banned all the very good products that smell (high VOC) bad because it bothers their sensibilities.
If I want to test sanding, which grit would you use? I'm worried the oil suggestions will change the floor color too dark.
I wouldn't go below 120.

And AFAIK, any finish, ever water-based, will cause the floor/wood to darken a bit.
Flash that wood looks like shit

I'm not trying to be a dick but your rich just get better wood

Brazilian cherry wood hehe
Flash that wood looks like shit

I'm not trying to be a dick but your rich just get better wood

Brazilian cherry wood hehe

I don't disagree with you. These floors are dog shit.

Finding labor in Crested Butte is nearly impossible though. Replacing these floors would cost me 10x the price of most places.
If I want to test sanding, which grit would you use? I'm worried the oil suggestions will change the floor color too dark.

I'm using a teak oil right now that is only changing the wood (regular 2x4, non-pressure treated) color very slightly, but it's a warmer shade, whereas your floor looks to be more in the cooler shade (slightly greyish).
It is a subtle difference though.
Don't be so bothered by the stains. Sand it / polish it up. Put some shit on it. It will darken a little and lessen the water damage.

Plan on being out of the house for a couple of days. Poly smells like shit all over. Not good for people or pets.
Could do that. Polish it. Seal it. Then, put an Aga stove in that kitchen and enjoy the warmth.
Concrete can be light.

And AGAs are awesome.

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