Your post regarding the internalization a few up...didnt want to quote cause its huge.

Been browsing reddit and I can guarantee you within the first two pages is an interracial couple. I know the_donald upvotes all black guys wearing maga hats. What the left doesnt understand is they see as much race as their supposed enemies (our actual enemies are of course the chosen ones) by encouraging the proliferation of such couples or what ever they are pushing.

It's weird to deal with people with so little self awareness you can't reprogram them. There is a reason the npc meme hit a chord as even there is serious truth to it. Black people commit more crime cold hard facts. They're also some of my best friends. They truly despise equal opportunity but instead are just baiting poor colored people with freebies to pushing their other agendas, anti gun anti capitalist etc. Asians took EO and ran with it to the point they are more discriminated against than white people when it comes to diversity initiatives.

I also like the study where they removed authors and had both computers and an equal gender committee rate papers and were actually more favorable towards Male designed programs and studies lol. The sociologists of course posit it's because the way we speak have been internalized as being more correct...yes, because in modern history we have been so wildly superior saying otherwise is factually wrong. Hard numbers are the scariest thing and the only thing that can be done is to encourage that as the truth instead of wishy washy word based studies where you can repurpose words due to duplicative meanings and shifting standard usages.

No one wants to live in a cold world but simple facts support the threat of one brings the best out of people. Fuck look how quick Yugoslavia descended into genocide after Tito died. There I'd a reason transposing democracy into multiethnic societies doesnt work and we are wasting amounts equal to trillions now nation building Iraq (we've since given up) and aafghanistan. The only way multiculturalism works is dictatorship. Oh no wonder why progressives want it so bad.
Your post regarding the internalization a few up...didnt want to quote cause its huge.

Been browsing reddit and I can guarantee you within the first two pages is an interracial couple. I know the_donald upvotes all black guys wearing maga hats. What the left doesnt understand is they see as much race as their supposed enemies (our actual enemies are of course the chosen ones) by encouraging the proliferation of such couples or what ever they are pushing.

It's weird to deal with people with so little self awareness you can't reprogram them. There is a reason the npc meme hit a chord as even there is serious truth to it. Black people commit more crime cold hard facts. They're also some of my best friends. They truly despise equal opportunity but instead are just baiting poor colored people with freebies to pushing their other agendas, anti gun anti capitalist etc. Asians took EO and ran with it to the point they are more discriminated against than white people when it comes to diversity initiatives.

I also like the study where they removed authors and had both computers and an equal gender committee rate papers and were actually more favorable towards Male designed programs and studies lol. The sociologists of course posit it's because the way we speak have been internalized as being more correct...yes, because in modern history we have been so wildly superior saying otherwise is factually wrong. Hard numbers are the scariest thing and the only thing that can be done is to encourage that as the truth instead of wishy washy word based studies where you can repurpose words due to duplicative meanings and shifting standard usages.

No one wants to live in a cold world but simple facts support the threat of one brings the best out of people. Fuck look how quick Yugoslavia descended into genocide after Tito died. There I'd a reason transposing democracy into multiethnic societies doesnt work and we are wasting amounts equal to trillions now nation building Iraq (we've since given up) and aafghanistan. The only way multiculturalism works is dictatorship. Oh no wonder why progressives want it so bad.

absolutely this........

and that is why right wing dictatorship concepts are so terrifying to them

that is the future for all nations along this broken path

they push and push and push for gibs me dats until they break the system

the institution.....in this case our entire Republic

then they think this will usher in socialism......which can give them their lazy race to the bottom Communism ruled by chosen elite (like Maduro) .......but instead people are so angry, so pissed off, not at their leaders, but at the people who did this to them they vote for Bolsonaro, Duerte, Putin, Viktor Orbán, Jaruzelski, Salvini, when before it was Gaddafi, Saddam, the Ayatollah.....next it will be LE PENN (or someone just like her)

it is like they learned next to nothing from Pinochet

and now we know the true history behind Hitler

how he came to power and why he got there

the game finally went full circle here

and is about to repeat the same song and dance all over again


buckleupbuckaroos even Internet censorship isn't going to stop the toads wild ride now

you know it is bad when a dictatorship becomes your salvation from a larger problem

i mean that is how bad it has become

Japs are about as racist as it comes and went from a backwater shithole in the 1860s to a global tech megalopolis in 120 years. also look how foreigners came in and changed their culture just as they feared, as well as resulting in nearly ever city being fire bombed (or nuclear vaporized) a few decades later. not many emigrated to japan but just the idea proliferation such as 'imperialism' resulted in them trying to do some "co-prosperity' stuff.

They've been right and while perhaps a bit lucky being so far away from Europe, they turned modern whether by design or by luck right when the world in a short time reach their door step rather than the multi year voyages of older years.
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Japs are about as racist as it comes and went from a backwater shithole in the 1860s to a global tech megalopolis in 120 years. also look how foreigners came in and changed their culture just as they feared, as well as resulting in nearly ever city being fire bombed (or nuclear vaporized) a few decades later. not many emigrated to japan but just the idea proliferation such as 'imperialism' resulted in them trying to do some "co-prosperity' stuff.

They've been right and while perhaps a bit lucky being so far away from Europe, they turned modern whether by design or by luck right when the world in a short time reach their door step rather than the multi year voyages of older years.


this is clearly designed by the powers that be

some of the only other countries to work themselves to the bone as hard as Americans are the Japanese and South Koreans......

Average annual hours worked per capita

they even have a term for it.......

Karōshi - Wikipedia

so basically you can't squeeze more out of them. you can't make them work any harder. so you need to undercut them with new people. fresh blood who has no skin in the game or commitments to the system or their society

foreign worker scabs who will not only stand against their national unity but populist attitude toward worker rights and culture.

Who ever controls us, makes the policy, thinks of us as cattle that have been milked dry......are no longer producing offspring because the environment is too costly and inhospitable. But knows that the interest on the debts owed, yet alone need to be created, continue to compound and that the ponzi will end unless it can find a new base of livestock to back feed or substitute the founding stocks shortcomings.

the only issue with that is they also cost more than they can produce, contribute, and only make the system worse........but this is a short term mindset. Not even Trump expects to be around when the debts go NUCLEAR

Trump: When The Coming Debt Crisis Goes Nuclear | Zero Hedge

U.S. debt under Trump has ballooned by size of Brazils GDP: Treasury | The Japan Times


it doesn't even need to be iberico anymore

bailouts, bailins.......the foreign forces of for hire mercenaries simply don't care

Personal Bank Accounts In Venezuela Frozen "To Fight Terrorism"
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From a young age, we are conditioned (by the media & public schools) to internalize the idea that there is no belief more amoral than racism, and that whether or not someone is racist should be the primary factor in judging their moral character.

Schools no longer teach white students about their rich ancestral history—w/ the exception of sensationalized accounts of how racist & terrible white people were. The curricula has been subverted: the plethora of positives are ignored, while the negative is absurdly amplified.

With the exception of the holocaust, white students are not taught about their own history: European history; they instead learn about the history & cultures of completely foreign peoples. Our history is being erased & its erasure warps our historical context & understanding.

American history is taught in a stunted way. Every period after the Revolutionary War is viewed through the lens of modern liberalism, with a strong focus on the suffering of Native Americans & the institution of slavery.

While ignoring the storied histories of Americans of European descent, whose bravery, innovations, visions & actions changed the course of history, schools retcon & celebrate the mythological histories of brave, noble Indians & Slavery-era blacks like Harriet Tubman.

The absurd & anti-white narrative that the actions & accomplishments of great American men, like the Founding Fathers, should not be given proper credit, or praised—because they owned slaves & thus must have been wholly evil—becomes more pervasive & entrenched each year.

We live in a country where the history of the racial group that founded & is still the majority of the country is ignored or taught in a selectively dishonest way to demonize both the ancestors & decedents of that group. It’s obvious that a hostile group has subverted America.

They say “every month is white history month,” which might have been true 80 years ago—but we have now reached the point where any celebration of white history, culture or accomplishments is considered racist & immoral.

In the current year, the media’s coverage of white people who commit no crimes, but are accused of saying something that’s considered “racist,” are portrayed as substantially more immoral & irredeemable than someone who commits rape or Murder.

Heinous & unthinkable violent crimes are committed everyday—but the stories are forgotten & pictures of perpetrators are often not even shown (I wonder why...), while a contextless video of a random white person saying something politically incorrect becomes a national story.

A rationale, fair-minded person would think that, in a fair & just society, someone who commits a violent felony should be viewed more negatively than someone who defends themselves, or says something that isn’t PC, but this is not the case (if that person is white).

It is impossible to ignore the reality that this warped moral framework, of “racist” beliefs or speech being considered worse than actual violence, is only applied to white people. The modern day religion of liberalism endorses unlimited racism & hate towards white people.

So when you go about your daily life:

- Think about the blatant hypocrisy;
- Question why it is only whites who are demonized;
- Ask why crimes that don’t fit the liberal narrative are usually covered up or excused...

- Ask why an allegedly “white supremacist” country, where white people have so much “privilege & power,” would only allow white people to be demonized, while forbidding any criticism of the actions of any other group, no matter how egregious?

Why is it that having pride in or speaking positively about white people is considered racist & immoral? Condemning whites as a group is the norm, while criticizing any past or present actions of other groups is off-limits & said to create animosity towards these groups?

If highlighting the negative actions of certain groups of people leads to animosity & hostility, why is this done to white people? Why does the media constantly bury negative stories about non-whites & highlight cherry-picked stories of whites, which unfairly demonize them?

They are enforcing the idea racism is the primary barometer for morality, that only whites can be racist & that whites should never be given the benefit of the doubt.

It is an anti-white agenda. The ultimate goal is to demonize, defang & dispossess white people.

Hostile elites in media & academia want to demographically displace & ultimately eliminate white people from their homelands. They want to accomplish this by using a combination of hard & soft power to crush any white person who stands up for themselves.

They want to convince other whites that they should be ashamed of their race & their history & that they have no reason to stand up for themselves.

Meanwhile, they import millions of non-whites to white countries & tell them that they’re morally superior to the founding stock of these countries. They are given carte Blanche to criticize whites & are protected from criticism by the system.

White people will be demonized & guilted more & more, the consequences for fighting their political & demographic displacement getting more severe, until they become a minority in their own countries. And even then, their harsh treatment will be presented as just punishment.

This is our future if whites do not reject the anti-white doctrine of liberal progressivism & the teachings of Jewish intellectuals whose works have contributed to making “whiteness” synonymous with immorality.

When whites stand up for themselves, you need to support & stand up for them, twice as hard as their detractors condemn them. You need to create an environment where whites who counter propagandistic anti-white doctine get as much or more support than those who attack them.

and for anyone.......anyone who doubts a word of this

hasn't already experienced it yourself first hand


like these poor kids who have been emasculated and neutered

Aala on Twitter:

look no further than this ladies twitter feed and demands

Actually, by teaching a Eurocentric core curriculum in which students study the modern world through the lens of solely western societies, you are perpetuating the white supremacy that occurred on campus. I appreciate the tweeting, but it's time to diversify the core.


she can't even drive, or talk, or show her face in her own country.......and likely for GOOD REASON
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i watched whole thing. imo, the mouthy tall bitch who threw food, then kept getting in face of short strong chick, deserved a beatdown. i see no problem with this fight, begining to end. even bystanders did right thing in letting them duke it out, long as no weapons involved, then send in ref to break it up when one team won.

weapons. brits. pick one.
man white people are embarassing. Why all of you so scared to defend yourselves? If this was a black bus they wouldnt be just sitting there watching two helpless pathetic people get beat up like that. Black people will continue to act like violent animals until someone stands up and puts those little shitstains in their place. Say what you want about hispanics and blacks being stupid or lower life forms but they atleast have the sense to defend themselves. Why are white people such scared little fucking bitches?
when a black person attacks a white person

the black person is victimized twice that day

once by your being white

the second time for having to hurt their hands and feet by striking you

you retaliating back would just compound the problem even further according to this well established premise.

Father of Swedish terror victim attacked by migrant who vandalised her grave - Police do nothing

best thing to do is just take what is coming to you

what your genetic white privilege suggests you have coming
man white people are embarassing. Why all of you so scared to defend yourselves? If this was a black bus they wouldnt be just sitting there watching two helpless pathetic people get beat up like that. Black people will continue to act like violent animals until someone stands up and puts those little shitstains in their place. Say what you want about hispanics and blacks being stupid or lower life forms but they atleast have the sense to defend themselves. Why are white people such scared little fucking bitches?

gen z really is the only chance at hope


all generations are lost in their own fabrication sauce by comparison
United Migrants of America :flag:

as told by the ADL

by a placard placed on a statue by a jewish poet and play writer 100 years after our founding


The Melting Pot is a play by Israel Zangwill, first staged in 1908. It depicts the life of a Russian Jewish immigrant family, the Quixanos. David Quixano has survived a pogrom, which killed his mother and sister, and he wishes to forget this horrible event.

and methodically placed into a speech they wrote for JFK in the 1960's

A Nation of Immigrants - Wikipedia

how are all those :negro: in Lisboa treating you?

well i hope
Do you have some time to listen and learn about our prophet Muhammad? Kick kick kick fuck your country you infidel.

Awwwwww the bone crushing consequences of globalism feel so good

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
man white people are embarassing. Why all of you so scared to defend yourselves? If this was a black bus they wouldnt be just sitting there watching two helpless pathetic people get beat up like that. Black people will continue to act like violent animals until someone stands up and puts those little ****stains in their place. Say what you want about hispanics and blacks being stupid or lower life forms but they atleast have the sense to defend themselves. Why are white people such scared little ****ing *****es?

You say it like retaliating wont instantly be a hate crime... full well knowing they are holding weapons and you are un-armed?