[Discuss] Tribes Dedication & Other Games

I just bought Unreal Championship2 for XBox and I'm pretty happy with it.

I am looking forward to Guild Wars and Battlefield2. Possibly the next Quake once it comes out. Till then, play the Tribes game you love. If nothing else comes along, keep playing the Tribes game you love with the people that share your outlook on gaming.

How many times do I need to say it. GOD DAMN this is not brain science here guys! Do what you fucking want to and be happy!
Zio said:
How many times do I need to say it. GOD DAMN this is not brain science here guys! Do what you fucking want to and be happy!


The Tribes run was alot offun while it lasted. Many are still having fun with it. Others prefer to see new faces in the servers and those mass player counts or something different.

If a new inception of Tribes is made that rocks, new people will play it, but only if this last resemblence of a gaming community doesn't run them off first. Times have changed and so must the approach of the "vets" (I use the term loosely) to the new players of a game.

I play the hell out of America's Army. Takes an element that most games do not and that a large chunk of the gaming community does not have - tactical patience. Outide of that, I really don;t play much anymore. UT2k4 was not entertaining to me at all. BF:V was alright until they nerfed everything, T:V's appeal wore off quickly, and I got tired of T2 & T1. Legend sis cool in a novelty sort of way. More curious to see where they go with it.

As he said, play whatever makes you happy, but whining about what you don't have ain't gonna make it materialize any faster. There's not anyone getting paid to develop another Tribes now. People are either in school or working full time and code in their spare time.

Find a fun game and play. If you can't find a game that you find fun, then stop gaming and stop playing the forums.
Zio, while we have our differences, we seem to have the same taste in games in general... :)

I also plan to get BF2, and if I had an Xbox, I'd be playing UC2 non-stop. Hows it going, btw? Unlock any characters? Raiden? :) Damn I just love that game so much, just from playing the demo. And I've always had this personal desire to see the kinda melee they put in UC2 in tribes. But anywho...

I'll take this time to construct my thoughts as best I can into a form people can read, so wish me luck here.

I don't think I've ever lost my interest in gaming since I started (probably with Doom or Descent, just pick one). I'll admit these days gaming wears more on me, since I'm letting it interfere with reality, and perhaps I let what people say on the forums effect me a little too much than what I want it to. I was more active in past years. But then again, those were times I had dial-up and never knew about Tribes.

But now it appears to me that nothing BUT gaming is worth it. It feels like a subconscious knacking to myself, wanting to always be in front of this screen. Back then one would have to go outside and play a sport to interact with a team, or use imagination to be able to fly or have a kickass weapon. No longer. I find the majority of what I intiatively went outside for, right here. And I blame people around me, hell, humanity in general, for having myself shut me in here. I just got so tired of how competitive people could be over nothing. I've given up sports, but I do feel bad about that in ways. But then again, I never really believed I could get back into them. In ways, I'm scared of what might happen, and where I am right now, sports are more competition than just for being active, so there isn't much room for people who wish to experiment as I do. So I'm amiss here...

Geiss, I'm imagining what you are feeling now, or were feeling under the effects of 'amplification' is going to be what ultimately most of us will feel. I know that the second I walked into my first tribes game, I'd never look at games the same way again. Oh how it widened my perspective on what a game could be. And it truly is, as one person put it, a RPG/FPS/MMO, in multiple ways. The large bases and expansive terrain, the huge number of people you could see in one server, the roles you took on, the ways you could customize your HUD, your character and weapon skins, everything... ah man, what an awesome experience that was.

It seems like the magic of what was the first years of serious online play has diminished in ways. Sure, games might look prettier these days, but game companies and software producers use a tactic that is more obvious now than ever; planned obsilence. Cell phones my parents bought two years ago don't even have a warranty anymore, and don't have anything being sold for them. If something was to break on them, the only place they could expect to find a new part would be on eBay, if that. And with the acceleration of what a computer can do, with new video cards, drive space, CPUs... it can be as annoying as hell to keep up with the crowd. I know that's my case, anyways. And while that is happening, games that have overpar graphics use that to cover up the simple fact that it's all been done before, and its probably been done better. Now and then something revolutionary, like the weapons system in UC2, will come out. But ultimately that's just for eyecandy too. The base gameplay and concept has remained the same for it seems forever, the difference being that now its about the looks, and not the gameplay.

While the public as a whole usually accepts planned obsilence and moves on, they leave a bunch of awesome games behind. That I find is irritating. 'Alright, I'm going to move on and buy new stuff for my PC and get these games and leave this awesome game behind because everyone else has.'

A combination of the feelings I got after leaving games like that, and the fact that many of the oldschool players (who just wanted to have fun) have moved on to live their lives have been replaced with trash talking idgits (who use such terms as 'My team sucks, this map sucks, I pwned you, omfgz u h4ck3r!') makes me wonder if its worth it anymore.

Where this leaves me, I don't know. Maybe I'll become active again? Heheh...

Tribes by itself very well be seeing its last days. In ways we are letting it (kinda obvious, no?) But this franchise and it's community has been around for so long that people ultimately got sick and tired of one another, and lost patience for the game companies involved with Tribes to satisfy them. It was apt to happen, in my mind anyway. It is a mixture of the general gaming public as a whole not acknowledging the franchise for what it was, game companies overlooking what it could be, and the general Tribes community just falling apart, that led us to where we are now.

I really do hope Renwerx, the SS team, Legends, Jetball, and the TAC team, and a couple dozen T:V mappers can breathe life back into our community. It would have to be a long haul. To me it would make more sense to bring new players in who we can idenify with, rather than hope the veterans who have moved on will return. In ways it would be starting anew. The community as itself could be a phoenix, in analogy; out of the ashes of which it ended, a new one begins. I myself, with all my doubts of the status of the gaming industry, would stick around and encourage this to happen.

I guess I'll cut it short here. Geiss, what you plan to do, I hope full respect for. If you did eventually flicker out and 'die', in essence, I for one would miss you. You've put an awesome amount of effort and loyalty into this community. I'm sure, while people might not come out and say it, we are all indirectly appreciative of you, and people like you.
heh, zio, the problem is i dont really have anything that i enjoy any more. that was the main point... and is it just me, losing my enjoyment of these? is it my age, or the age of the games? that's been the main question i guess the whole time, some people have answered it without me knowing for sure what it is i'm asking (somehow, kudos to them that figured out my babbling). that's all really... i'm worried its just me, and wtf am i gonna do with my life in a month? but i'm also worried that its the games... no new games that will really play well. like others have said, we're in a phase of CS/Quake or WW2 games. how long is this phase going to last?
Geiss, I believe I can clarify what you are going thru. I too don't feel the same draw to T:V as I did for T1 or T2, but I think the problem is in the lack of solid ladder/competition. T:V could have brought back the masses if it was supported properly. I think what the game Tribes in all its versions has over all other games is Teamwork, and it is that teamwork that we long for. The friendship and bonds that lasted years during T1 and T2 while we moved up and down ladders with 100's of teams not 25 teams.

To answer your question, will there be another game to bring all the Tribers back together? A unifying game that captures what we all like about Tribes, the jetpacks, the skiing, the strategy, the planning, the practice and all the lovely demo watching with friends! Who knows, I think perhaps someone might come up with a solution in the future because Tribes has something at the heart of it that transcends technology, and that is us. The players that love the game for more than just a killing spree. As far as age being a factor, nope, since I'm 36 now with my boys playing Tribes at ages 9 and 11.

Peace brotha!
I think gaming in general is too young to die, but honestly, I see its downfall in the future (15-20 years from now.) Videogaming was SO cool because it was fresh, new, something no one had seen before. Since then it has been innovation after innovation that has kept an avid community. Seems to me that the videogame market has just begun to lose ideas. Everythings been done. Instead of being new and fresh, it is old, stale, and overplayed.

On the other hand, such innovations as the DS and PSP are quite neat... but how long will they be able to make different ways to play? When there is no more room for improvement, I think the videogaming industry may decline greatly. Right now, it is at its pinnacle and will continue to grow for a few years, but after that, honestly, I don't see a directing.

The impetus just isn't there anymore. I'm waiting until I can install a chip into my head and play videogames there. Until then nothing will excite me much.