DirecTv or Dish Network

Dish. It's a little cheaper, plus they have Sirius Radio which is better than XM to me personally, and I think that should mean a lot.
I had directTV when it first came out, but later moved to Digital/HDTV provided by my cable company. If your cable sucks, then DirectTV is pretty good, especially since they currently have a deal w/ TIVO to be their DVR provider.
dish is a much better buy. you can use it on 2 tv's with one receiver, and you dont have to buy the dvr just rent it for $5 a month while Direct tv makes you buy a DVR AND pay $5 a month. I do prefer direct tv's on screen menu though
ofcourse when i was stealing them i got all the channels...

directv's epg blows balls. dish isnt that great either but it has far more data off the bat.