[digg] 15 most influential FPS video games

Retards said:
14. World War II Online (2001)

- The first true hugely successful multiplayer FPS, WW II showcased large scale battles. Solid simulation and realism continues to make this a popular game with its growing fan base.

8. GoldenEye 007 (1997)

This game was the first truly successful game on a console and is widely stated as the best console first person shooting game of all time. The game featured realistic game play and an exceptional multiplayer system.

uh... mario 64, link, original marios, etc... ????
uh... mario 64, link, original marios, etc... ????

FPS game that is and really, Doom for the PS1 was. That article is just an uninformed blogger going on in his own little world. Ultima Underworld definately gets the nod as one of the most important and System Shock 2 is also rather important. WW2 online was forgotten, at best.
What a joke description about tribes.

One thing that does stand out about the list is all the ones in the 90s and the lack thereof after.
Digg is fucking retarded. Their numbers are wrong, and this statement alone makes me ignore everything else.

World War II Online (2001) - "- The first true hugely successful multiplayer FPS, WW II showcased large scale battles. Solid simulation and realism continues to make this a popular game with its growing fan base."

Hugely successful? No. I've never even fucking heard of it.

Not to mention that HALF LIFE AND CS CAME OUT LONG BEFORE IT. Digg has their shit all wrong, CS is still one of the most widely played online FPS' and it only got an honorable mention.
Digg is fucking retarded. Their numbers are wrong, and this statement alone makes me ignore everything else.

World War II Online (2001) - "- The first true hugely successful multiplayer FPS, WW II showcased large scale battles. Solid simulation and realism continues to make this a popular game with its growing fan base."

Hugely successful? No. I've never even fucking heard of it.

Not to mention that HALF LIFE AND CS CAME OUT LONG BEFORE IT. Digg has their shit all wrong, CS is still one of the most widely played online FPS' and it only got an honorable mention.

uh what? Digg didnt get anything wrong.
"Metroid (1987) - (a precursor for the numerous Metroid FPS's)"

numerous? there are THREE

Do you understand the concept of digg.com?
I can honestly say I have never visited Digg other than being linked through tribalwar; in other words, no I do not understand how digg works. I do go outside and rarely browse the internets with the exception of these forums unless I'm extremely bored.. So I really don't care to find out how digg works.